Hi Kamlesh, you can get the initial version at http://www.joeware.net/win/free/tools/DNSSrvRec.htm. I posted it to the site last night and announced on my blog, there are over 50 downloads already which surprises me a bit.
The initial version does not let you specify the DNS Server to make the change in. I had started to add it and backed out as I wanted to think over the whole SOA portion of it plus if I want to handle sending to multiple servers at the same time and how to handle the errors coming back. This is all I have for specifying specific servers at the moment, a commented out insertion to validate the command.
//  ValidOptions.push_back(L"dnssrv");             // Which DNS Server(s)
Not sure what you are hoping for out of the clear option in terms of forreal. The tool doesn't look records up first and then clear then one by one. It simply sends a single clear command for the DNS Name, that is an option for one of the functions. Having a forreal option would only basically echo what you sent in via the parameters. I might consider having it try to pull the record first and then display what would get wiped out. But that brings up even more questions on the specifying multiple DNS servers thoughts.
Like what kind of ops are you talking about taking from a config file? Like a script of records to add? This could be an interesting idea. A script of generic records that you specify the actual host name to resolve to on the command line with. Of course this could easily be wrapped in a script or batch file as well initially.
Download it and any other thoughts about it send my way.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kamlesh Parmar
Sent: Monday, January 16, 2006 1:59 AM
To: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org
Subject: Re: [ActiveDir] LDAPS SRV Records?

joe, nice work !!

In fact, I was playing with dnscmd.exe for same purpose not for LDAPS but other authentication records...(If you remember the thread about custom SRV priority per dc per site basis.)

I was planning for creating a HTA wrapper around dnscmd.exe for CLI-challenged. But I am not happy with the error reporting of dnscmd.exe, so was thinking of testing WMI class for DNS RR management, and now you created the utility. :-)

I would like to register as pre-beta tester. :-)

Looking at the current usage screen you provided, I have some queries top of my head.

* Can we specify DNS server to make change on? (stupid of me to even suggest this. Just trying to make a redundant entry in your to-do list :-))
* Can we have switch -FORREAL specially for clear option. (I know, DCs will recreate records in next refresh cycle, still there will be a resolution issue for a small period)
* Can we have SRV operations taken from config file, like we have it for latest adfind.exe ?

Just trying to participate :-)


On 1/15/06, joe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I couldn't sleep this evening so I decided to test the API calls below. They work fine. :o)
I have a new utility that will clear, replace, delete, and add SRV records called DNSSrvRec. I need to test it a little more when I am more awake. <eg>
F:\Dev\BDSCPP\DNSSrvRec\Debug_Build>nslookup -type=srv _ldaps._tcp.dc._msdcs.joe.com
Server:  2k3dc01.joe.com
*** 2k3dc01.joe.com can't find _ldaps._tcp.dc._msdcs.joe.com: Non-existent domain
F:\Dev\BDSCPP\DNSSrvRec\Debug_Build>DNSSrvRec.exe /addrec _ldaps._tcp.dc._msdcs.joe.com:600:0:100:636:2k3dc02.joe.com;_ldaps._tcp.dc._msdcs.joe.com:600:0:100:636: 2k3dc01.joe.com
AddSrvRec V01.00.00cpp Joe Richards ( [EMAIL PROTECTED]) January 2006
Adding _ldaps._tcp.dc._msdcs.joe.com:600:0:100:636:2k3dc02.joe.com...Success.
Adding _ldaps._tcp.dc._msdcs.joe.com:600:0:100:636:2k3dc01.joe.com...Success.
Total Records To Update: 2
Total Records Updated  : 2
Total Updates Failed   : 0
The command completed successfully.

F:\Dev\BDSCPP\DNSSrvRec\Debug_Build>nslookup -type=srv _ldaps._tcp.dc._msdcs.joe.com
Server:  2k3dc01.joe.com
_ldaps._tcp.dc._msdcs.joe.com   SRV service location:
          priority       = 0
          weight         = 100
          port           = 636
          svr hostname   = 2k3dc02.joe.com
_ldaps._tcp.dc._msdcs.joe.com   SRV service location:
          priority       = 0
          weight         = 100
          port           = 636
          svr hostname   = 2k3dc01.joe.com
2k3dc01.joe.com internet address =
F:\Dev\BDSCPP\DNSSrvRec\Debug_Build>DNSSrvRec.exe /delrec _ldaps._tcp.dc._msdcs.joe.com:600:0:100:636:2k3dc02.joe.com;_ldaps._tcp.dc._msdcs.joe.com:600:0:100:636: 2k3dc01.joe.com
AddSrvRec V01.00.00cpp Joe Richards ([EMAIL PROTECTED] ) January 2006
Deleting _ldaps._tcp.dc._msdcs.joe.com:600:0:100:636:2k3dc02.joe.com...Success.
Deleting _ldaps._tcp.dc._msdcs.joe.com:600:0:100:636:2k3dc01.joe.com...Success.
Total Records To Update: 2
Total Records Updated  : 2
Total Updates Failed   : 0
The command completed successfully.

F:\Dev\BDSCPP\DNSSrvRec\Debug_Build>nslookup -type=srv _ldaps._tcp.dc._msdcs.joe.com
Server:  2k3dc01.joe.com
*** 2k3dc01.joe.com can't find _ldaps._tcp.dc._msdcs.joe.com: Non-existent domain
Here is the current usage screen. I will relook at the API calls again tomorrow or Monday and decide if I want to add any more features.
F:\Dev\BDSCPP\DNSSrvRec\Debug_Build>DNSSrvRec.exe /?
AddSrvRec V01.00.00cpp Joe Richards ( [EMAIL PROTECTED]) January 2006
 DNSSrvRec [switches]
  Switches: (designated by - or /)
   -clear xx    Clear DNS SRV records with name xx
         Format xx
         The format for xx is a semicolon delimited list of DNS
         names such as _ldaps._tcp.dom.com or

   -replace yy  Replace DNS SRV records with name yy
   -delrec yy   Delete DNS SRV records with name yy
   -addrec yy   Add DNS SRV records with name yy
         Format yy
         The format for yy is a semicolon delimited list of DNS
         Records. Each DNS record has the format:
               aaa - DNS Name (_ldaps._tcp.dom.com)
               bb  - TTL Value (300)
               cc  - Priority (0)
               dd  - Weight (100)
               ee  - Port (636)
               fff - Host Name (somedc.dom.com)

   -delim       Delimiter to separate values in DNS Record.
   -mrdelim     Delimiter to separate multiple DNS Records.
    You can have multiple actions (add/delete/clear/replace) in
    a single command, they will be processed in the order clear, replace
    delete, and add.
    DNSSrvRec -addrec _ldaps._tcp.dc._msdcs.joe.com:600:0:100:636:2k3dc01.joe.com
      Add DNS SRV Record _ldaps._tcp.dc._msdcs.joe.com with TTL=600,
      priority=0, weight=100, port=636, and hostname of 2k3dc01.joe.com
  Ex2: (command is all one line)
    DNSSrvRec -addrec _ldaps._tcp.dc._msdcs.joe.com:600:0:100:636:2k3dc01.joe.com;
      Add 2 DNS SRV Records for _ldaps._tcp.dc._msdcs.joe.com
    DNSSrvRec -delrec _ldaps._tcp.dc._msdcs.joe.com:600:0:100:636:2k3dc01.joe.com
      Delete specified specific DNS SRV Record.
    DNSSrvRec -clear _ldaps._tcp.dc._msdcs.joe.com
      Clear all SRV Records for _ldaps._tcp.dc._msdcs.joe.com
    DNSSrvRec -replace _ldaps._tcp.dc._msdcs.joe.com:600:0:100:636:2k3dc01.joe.com
      Replace all SRV Records for _ldaps._tcp.dc._msdcs.joe.com with specified record.
 I do not warrant this software to be fit for any purpose or use and
 I do not guarantee that it will not damage and/or destroy your system.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of joe
Sent: Saturday, January 14, 2006 12:50 AM
To: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] LDAPS SRV Records?

Hey Brandon.
The call that something like IPCONFIG /REGISTERDNS uses is *probably* I_NetLogonControl2 with NETLOGON_CONTROL_FORCE_DNS_REG. That just tells a DC to reregister its records. Nothing to do with what records are actually registered for a DC.
You definitely don't want to look into hooking into NETLOGON. First off it would have to be on the DCs which would be very difficult to get approval for even if the code could be written in a secure and stable way (doubtful since you would have to do code injection). I personally wouldn't allow it, there is no reason why this can't be done from another machine.
Of course you could try to script around dnscmd or nsupdate. The dnscmd may be MS-DNScentric, I do not know. If it is, it may not work in your environment. Unless there has been some serious changes in DNS there nsupdate works great. I used to do a lot with DNS via perl scripts and nsupdate. Vern et alii should have some perl scripts that I left behind that show how to use nsupdate. You could set something up with the scheduler service. Some job that runs every hour and checks to see if a certain DC (or the local DC if you can get it cleared to get it to run there) has LDAPS available and then registers the appropriate LDAPS record.
At a lower level, looking about, you may be able to use the API in DNSAPI.DLL, unfortunately most of that API seems to be undocumented (when comparing the exports with MSDN) but DnsModifyRecordsInSet and DnsReplaceRecordSet look extremely promising... I would be willing to bet big that those are the calls MS is using under the covers in NetLogon. It is Windows 2000 and better so you should be safe for any machine you want to run from.
Note I was pinged on this offline from someone else there and put in a DCR for registering LDAPS records back in December.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Bernier, Brandon (.)
Sent: Friday, January 13, 2006 3:03 PM
To: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org
Subject: [ActiveDir] LDAPS SRV Records?

Does anyone have an idea which Windows API does the DNS registration of SRV records for DCs? I'm very curious as to if that is a public method. The purpose is I'm looking into how feasible it is to write a Windows Service that hooks into netlogon and registers secure LDAP SRV records as needed provided the DC's can speak LDAPS. Think it's a horrible idea? Could be done better? Let me know what you think. I know the ultimate solution is a DCR, but like I said..I'm just brainstorming ideas.


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