You can do it a couple ways:


Have your network people split up the subnet your DCs at the hub are on or move them to a dedicated subnet that’s easily broken down (e.g. a /24 can break to two /25s or four /26s). Or, create /32 subnets in AD for each DC’s IP. Hub Site A has the /32 for the DC serving it and other DCs in the site, and then the remote site subnets associated with it, same for the other sites. FWIW I have >50 sites reporting into a very busy hub site and there is no issue so far, and it just continues to get busier (My estimate is about 20K PCs authenticate against the two DCs in the hub site in addition to 50 or so DCs replicating out every couple hours). CPU is 30% peak and NIC is about 35mb/sec during the day on them. DL 380 G4s 4GB RAM Dual Proc, separate RAID1s for OS, DB, logs, etc.



Brian Desmond



c - 312.731.3132



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Adeel Ansari
Sent: Wednesday, February 08, 2006 2:26 PM
Subject: [ActiveDir] Site Link Question




I have about a few hub sites with 100+ site link. I found following from M$ website :


  • Make sure that no site is directly connected to more than 20 other sites

This condition can occur in large hub-and-spoke deployments where most sites are branch sites that communicate with a centralized hub site. If this condition exists and there are more than 20 site links from the hub site to branch sites, the hub site can be divided into multiple sites to provide additional bridgehead servers to handle the replication volume. In a site, a single bridgehead server is active per domain. If the site has more than 20 site links, the bridgehead servers can become overloaded.




Can someone please explain what steps do I need to take to divide the hub sites?





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