Justin A. Salandra

MCSE Windows 2000 & 2003

Network and Technology Services Manager

Catholic Healthcare System

646.505.3681 - office

917.455.0110 - cell



From: Salandra, Justin A.
Sent: Friday, April 28, 2006 4:16 PM
Subject: Sending mail to AOL and Yahoo


Is any one else having difficulty in sending mail to AOL and YAHOO.


DNS is resolving the MX records for these domains, we can receive mail from these domains, but when we send mail it is just sitting in the queue in the server saying that the remote server did not respond to the connection attempt.


All other mail flow is working correctly.


I have restarted the SMTP service twice and have turned on logging and nothing is showing.  Just the same message in the event logs once logging was turned on, remote server did not respond to the connection attempt.


Any ideas


Exchange 2003, Windows 2003 no service packs.


Justin A. Salandra

MCSE Windows 2000 & 2003

Network and Technology Services Manager

Catholic Healthcare System

646.505.3681 - office

917.455.0110 - cell



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