Totally different questions.
The ldap path is what is needed to connect to the directory via .net (there are many examples in the language dialect you're development staff are planning to use; Joe Kaplan is a good person to search for as he does this frequently and I believe has even taken the time to write a book about it.
Accessing it from a 'DMZ' <depending on what that means to you> is a different animal altogether and has a lot more to do with architecture, routing, physical connections, and name resolution.  Architecture is a huge part of that equation. There's nowhere near enough information in your posts, nor would I think it appropriate that you share that amount of information with outsiders, to even begin to answer that question in a usable manner.
To see/use that syntax, minus the protocol portion, have a look at tools like LDP.EXE.  Also search the Microsoft site for things like .net examples and ldap syntax and .net examples. You'll see what I mean.

On 6/7/06, HBooGz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Thanks Al -

When i type that into my web browser a search function come up -- should i be able to search for objects successfully using this ? because currently i get an error message.

Also, the development staff is trying to create a form to authenticate users who login against AD. The path mentioned above is all they would need ? Even if this login authentication page is located in the DMZ ?


On 6/7/06, Al Mulnick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
No, LDAP://DC=harry,DC=org would be the path (note that LDAP is the protocol vs. part of the domain context)

On 6/7/06, HBooGz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
My first post, definite follower.

My development staff is trying to implement an ASP.NET application using AD/LDAP authentication. They need the path to my LDAP directory Server. I've come across some notes that indicate the path syntax is similar to the following:


if the Active directory domain is named -- what would the syntax be ?

LDAP://,DC=org ?

I really just need the LDAP path so that this application can authenticate logins using AD.




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