Perfomon trace logs will generate the raw binary trace data but it has to be processed.  The easiest way to get at this data is to use SPA which will collect the binary trace data and process it into human readable format.






From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Yann
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2006 10:09 AM
Subject: Re : [ActiveDir] AD LDAP Logging.


Ok thanks.


When you said "..use event tracing ...", do you mean using Perfmon Trace Logs ?

----- Message d'origine ----
À :
Envoyé le : Vendredi, 9 Juin 2006, 4h34mn 33s
Objet : RE: [ActiveDir] AD LDAP Logging.

Unfortunately the logging is very basic, it will not log LDAP errors from anything I have seen. This is something I have asked for from MSFT as well, very detailed LDAP logging like you can enable with some of the other directories. Usually I hear a response of use event tracing but I haven't gotten had a chance to really dig deep into that yet to see how useful it will be.


It depends on the code is displaying error messages bit possibly a query timed out? That could be indicative of a very poor query. By default, if a query goes more than 2 minutes, it will get dropped.




O'Reilly Active Directory Third Edition - 




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Yann
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2006 9:42 AM
Subject: Re : [ActiveDir] AD LDAP Logging.

Good point Joe.


I will use perfmon to monitor the health of my DC.

An nother question.


The Web app timed out with this generic error "the serveur is down", where "the server" = mydc.

At the time of the web app timed out, i saw no errors about ldap connections between my dc and the zope server.


With the Field Engineering  set to 5 and if the web app timed-out, will a LDAP error appear in my eventlogs that stated a disconnection occured ?


Thanks for taking time to reply,






----- Message d'origine ----
À :
Envoyé le : Vendredi, 9 Juin 2006, 2h25mn 26s
Objet : RE: [ActiveDir] AD LDAP Logging.

When you change that threshhold you are specifying how expensive you want the query to be before AD reports it.


Changing "Expensive" to 1, according to the docs means that as soon as a query has to look at one or more entries it will be logged. So when you turn down that value, you are telling it to log pretty much everything.


That being said, unless you have changed your schema, objectclass isn't indexed and a filter with no indexed attributes is generally considered inefficient unless it is properly scoped. The fact that you are returning 58 of 63 entries means that that isn't too bad, but just the same, I would work on getting the query changed to using an indexed attribute or more likely, because so many apps/scripts screw up around objectclass, indexing objectclass AND getting the query changed.


When you see big noticable deltas in how long the same query takes to run, it is usually a couple of things that could be at fault, possibly Eric will pipe in with more. The first is that the DC is tied up with something else and just can't give you the proc time, the other is that it has to go to disk instead of pulling from cache. Either way you should be looking at your perf counters to see how the DC is performing. I tend to really look at disk counters because that is where it often falls down at. Things like disk queue and and number of read ops for the DIT drive (write ops are usually a rounding error except during heavy population periods) are the things I immediately focus on. Just seeing the number of read ops doesn't help, you have to understand your disk architecture because on some systems 500 read ops may be just fine, but on others it could be over what the disk system is capable of sustaining so you start backing up. As a quick rule of thumb I start with the assumption that each spindle that is part of the volume gives you 100 IOPS capability. That can be generous so if you are on the edge keep that in mind, but if you are at 20 OPS and you have 8 spindles in a RAID 0+1 it is unlikely disk is your bottleneck[1] and the disk queues should bear that out. Of course I tend to focus on disk because I memory is almost always boosted up there because most people realize how important RAM is but only folks who think about Exchange tend to think about disk and the only guideline I have seen from MSFT recommends 3 RAID-1 sets for anything above several thousand users which I don't feel is very good. Again, as a general rule I would rather see a single RAID 0+1 (or even better if you don't care about faul tolerance a RAID 0) or RAID-5 than 3 RAID-1's. But this is all just recanting a zillion conversations we have had here on the list about disk layouts.







[1] Virtualization really screws with this from the disk standpoint because you need to look at counters for the physical machine and while your DC may not be generating many read ops, if other virtual machines are, you could be slowed down considerably by those without the Read Ops reflecting much on the individual DC.



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From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Yann
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2006 5:31 AM
Subject: Re : [ActiveDir] AD LDAP Logging.

Hello Tony,


Very usefull information ! Thanks.

i enabled this config:

15 Field Engineering  to 5

Expensive Search Results Threshold to 1


Here are the LDAP operation, :


1644 INFORMATIONAL NTDS General Fri Jun 09 09:55:16 2006 childdomain\user1 Internal event: A client issued a search operation with the following options.        Client:   Starting node:  OU=MyOU  OU=myou1 DC=childdomain DC=parentDomain DC=root DC=fr    Filter:   (objectClass=user)     Search scope:  subtree    Attribute selection:  givenName sAMAccountName sn    Server controls:      Visited entries:  63    Returned entries:  58 


Followed by this:

1139 INFORMATIONAL NTDS LDAP Fri Jun 09 09:55:16 2006 childdomain\user1 Internal event: Function ldap_search completed with an elapsed time of 16 ms.


=>  for 63 visited entries, only 58 are returned and the ldap search lasted 16 ms (Sometimes the ldap search took 140 ms...).



Would the IDs 1644 + 1139 tell me that the web app. is performing Inefficient and Expensive LDAP Query to my DC ?


Thanks for advices,





---- Message d'origine ----
De : Tony Murray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
À :
Envoyé le : Mercredi, 7 Juin 2006, 11h16mn 33s
Objet : RE: [ActiveDir] AD LDAP Logging.

Hi Yann


One option would be to enable logging of all LDAP searches against the DC.



PS.  Were just loading a new version of the site, so it might take a few minutes before you can load the page.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Yann
Sent: Thursday, 8 June 2006 6:39 a.m.
Subject: [ActiveDir] AD LDAP Logging.


Hello ,


I need advices about troubleshooting LDAP connections to one of my DC in my AD2k3.

An application named ZOPE running on a linux box accesses my DC.

 Users use a web page, via ZOPE application, that connect to my DC to list users information. Sometimes, users are disconnected to my DC and the admin that is responsible for the ZOPE app. called me to resolve this issue.


What are the different steps to tshoot possible problem with LDAP connections to my DC ?


Thanks in advance for help,




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