If the unit is this strongly separated from the rest of your forest and you have little dependencies on apps, this should be a fairly easy / straight forward migration. You should be able to achieve all steps with ADMT:


The re-ACLing (= security translation) is actually a very straight forward process – this is how I would go at it:

1.    Create some test accounts in source domain that you put into group used by the users to be migrated

a.    Log on to a few test clients in source domain so as to create user source domain profiles (make some changes so that you can differentiate the profile from a default profile)

2.    Migrate the units groups and users, but leave the users in the target domain disabled (except for some of the test-users)

a.    Users still logon to source domain

3.    With the trusts between source and target still in place, migrate the resources (servers)

a.    Users still logon to source domain and access resources across trust, using SIDs from source domain

4.    Perform 1st security translation on all resources (servers)

a.    Choose to ADD permissions

b.    Users still logon to source domain and access resources across trust, using SIDs from source domain

c.    Logon to a test computer in target domain with some of your test-accounts and check they also have access to servers (now using SIDs from target domain)

d.    If everything works, you are ready for activation of the target user accounts – ideally the next two steps would be coordinated that you only enable the users whose workstations you are migrating at the time (but often difficult to match user to workstation…)

5.    Perform security translation AND profile updates on all workstations in unit – again, use ADD permissions

a.    I personally prefer to do this prior to enabling the users and prior to migrating the computers – this way this step can be performed in the “background” without any direct impact on the users

b.    This also allows you (or them) to monitor how well they can reach their clients, check access issues etc.

c.    Ensure that the computer updates – especially profile updates – have worked by using some of your test accounts on clients in the source domain: let them logon with the target domain’s account => they should at this point get the same user profile as before AND have access to the target servers

6.    Once a critical mass of computers has been updated, you are ready to enable your users in the target domain

7.    Now migrate the computers to target domain (those, where security translation has already been performed successfully)

a.    At this time there will be an impact to the users, since machines need to be rebooted – which is why you should communicate these activities to your users prior to performing this step

b.    After the computer migration, ADMT will have changed the default logon domain to the target domain

c.    Users will now logon to the target domain and access resources with the new SIDs

d.    Add extra time for troubleshooting and fixing access issues…

8.    After all computers have been migrated, and all users of the unit logon to the target domain, you are ready to do the cleanup steps

a.    Cut the trusts between the domains (if this is what you want to achieve)

b.    Perform another security translation on all resources (servers and workstations) in the target domain => this time choose the REPLACE option

9.    Done – enjoy some champagne…




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kamlesh Parmar
Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2006 4:57 PM
To: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org
Subject: Re: [ActiveDir] Migration without domain admin rights possible?


Appreciate the quick response,


I was able to migrate groups, users without sIDhistory to target.

I also tried using clonepr.vbs, it also asks for admin rights on source.

And reading further, it made it clear that, can't populate sIDhistory through legitimate APIs without having admin rights on source domain.


So, now my hopes are based on security translation at each and every to be migrated resource.


I will read up about PES service, so that if possible passwords also can be migrated without admin rights.


In this case, no AD dependant app like exchange comes into picture. :-)

this is more of completely independent unit with their own groups, users and computers contained within one OU. So group membership related stuff won't be problematic. (at least it seems on initial inspection)


Anyway to make 2nd approach you mentioned more systematic and less painless?

subinacl? ADMT security translation wizard?


Thanks once again for your response,



"Never confuse movement with action."


On 7/27/06, Grillenmeier, Guido <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

you can migrate most objects from the source even without admin rights to them - the default auth. user already has plenty of permissions to read most attributes you would care to migrate.


You could still setup passwords migration without giving them domain admin privs to your source domain - you would install the PES server for them instead on one of your DCs (you'd need to exchange the PES key ofcourse). 


Migrating SID history on the other hand, requires admin privs on the source domain => while you can delegate SIDhistory migration to the target, I've always complained that you can't delegate it on the source.  Full control on the respective Users OU in your source domain is not enough.


But if they do their part right (i.e. reacl all their resources in a two step approach 1st add new acls prior to "activating" the target accounts, 2nd remove old acls after all users use the new accounts), they don't really need SIDhistory and can spare themselves from having to clean it up later. 


You'll still have the same challenges with apps as you always do and if you also use exchange, then migrating their mailboxes is a totally different story.  Another special challenge in your scenario is group migration => depending on how your security model is setup, they may very likel need to migrate groups that don't "belong" to them, but that they need to have access to their resources (and allowing to re-acl them). This doesn't mean that they need to migrate the members that don't belong to "their" unit, but they do need read permissions on most of your groups (which most users have by default anyways...).




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ] On Behalf Of Kamlesh Parmar
Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2006 9:27 AM
To: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org
Subject: [ActiveDir] Migration without domain admin rights possible?


Hi Guys,


We have a peculiar requirement, that one of the small group of around 300 users will be parting from corporate AD and will be setting up there own forest.


We will be using ADMT 3.0 for migration.

source DFL & FFL : windows 2000 native

Target DFL & FFL : Windows 2003

Two way trust between domains.


We would be giving FULL control rights over those 300 users and their computers account to new admins of new forest.

also, they are added to local admins of those computers to be migrated. They have domain admins rights in Target domain.


We don't want to add them into administrators group on source domains (i.e. corporate AD)


Is it possible to migrate, users,groups and computers?

What will break, in migration?

I can think of, we will not be installing PES as a result so, NO password migration. anything else?


Thanking you in advance,

"Never confuse movement with action."

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