My inbox continues to be bombarded with messages from your group. Not sure how 
I got included on this list, but what can I do to get off it???!!!!! Would be 
nice to get my inbox back...

---- joe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> Interesting thoughts there... 
> My only tongue in cheek response right off (though this will bubble in my
> head for some time) is that most predators are brighter than many people
> doing admin work and we still need them to be able to find the systems...
> ;o) 
> Raise your hand if in the last year you saw a postit with a password on it?
> Keep your hand up if you did anything about it like ripping it up and
> talking to the person? If your hand went down, was it yours by any chance? 
> How many people now see a security problem and shake their head and say, wow
> that isn't good but there isn't anything I can do about it and then continue
> on your day. That is the kind of stuff that really needs to stop. 
>   joe
> --
> O'Reilly Active Directory Third Edition -
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Susan Bradley, CPA
> aka Ebitz - SBS Rocks [MVP]
> Sent: Tuesday, August 01, 2006 3:28 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [ActiveDir] 80/20 ..... Was: Read-Only Domain Controller and
> Server Core
> On a totally serious note to Joe's tongue in cheek posting.... Go to a 
> zoo(1).. and you'll hear stories of how each animal has natural 
> 'protection' from their predators.
> Each animal has evolved to ensure they have some level of camouflage in 
> the way of color/features etc so that when their predator targets them 
> they attempt to blend into the background.  Some plants and animals 
> depend on other plants and animals to survive.  There's a unique falcon 
> that will only nest in leftover "Weaver bird" nests.. they don't build 
> their own..but by moving into a Weaver bird area, they act as "bouncers" 
> at the door and keep out the predators that prey on the Weaver birds.
> Given that "here's what nature does to protect itself".... what (if 
> anything) has the computing industry done to "camouflage" to reduce risk?
> (call me wacko) but it seems to me that we do a lot of "football"ish 
> type of security models.. offensive moves and defensive moves.  (Isn't 
> RODC a defensive move?)  Do we and can we add lessons from nature into 
> future networks?
> (1)  Lessons learned from camping in a zoo...yes.. this high maintenance 
> female stayed in a tent in a zoo... if you are going to be without power 
> and electricity.... camping in a zoo at the San Diego Zoo's Wild Animal 
> Park's Roar and Snore is the way to do it.....
> Matt Hargraves wrote:
> > Joe's blog doesn't seem to say anything about what DSI actually *is*.  
> > I'm not seeing it as a security model beyond my impression of it being 
> > "Don't tell anyone what your security infrastructure looks like" or 
> > something like that.
> >
> > On 8/1/06, *Susan Bradley, CPA aka Ebitz - SBS Rocks [MVP]* 
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
> >
> >     Isn't DSI being discussed in great detail at Blackhat starting
> >     tomorrow.. or am I mistaken and just thinking about the blog post
> >     again?
> >
> >     <>
> >
> >
> >     Brett Shirley wrote:
> >     > I've always followed a DSI[1] access model, it definately
> >     supercedes in
> >     > every way what RBS[resource], RBS[role], ABS, CBS, NBC, ABC can
> >     provide
> >     > ...
> >     >
> >     > [1] DSI = Defending Security Infrastructures
> >     >
> >     > -B
> >     >
> >     >
> >
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