Hey everyone I'm going nuts here and I need some help....

   Am trying to do a security translation on a pc using ADMT v3.0 and it
gives me this error "Unable to access server service on the machine
'MISMCGOWAN'. Make sure netlogon and workstation services are running and
you can authenticate yourself to the machine. hr=0x800706ba. The RPC server
is unavailable",

 We have completed about 30 pc's and this is the first one that is giving us
fits... We rename the pc before the migration to confirm to our new naming
standards. ( I think this is where the problem lies)

This is what we have done so far to troubleshoot this.

1. Made sure services it has mentioned are running.
2. Made sure the Remote registry service is running.
3. Added the Preferred DNS entry of the AD Dns Server and Wins entries to
the Ip properties of the nic.
4. Deleted the old wins entries and new ones as well, did a nbtstat -RR at
workstation to register the names in wins.
5. Disabled the firewall service and uninstalled another firewall program
that was on this pc.
6. Went thru and uninstalled programs that we thought might impact this
7. When we try and do a start, run  \\MISMCGOWAN\c$ it won't list the
contents' of the C drive from the AD domain Controller that we are migrating
this pc from. We are logged in to this DC as a source domain Admin that is a
member of the local admin group on the pc. We get this error " No network
Provider accepted the accepted the given network path"
8. Can login to machine as the source domain admin account.
9. Changed the Administrator's name to fit our new naming standard.
10. Changed the password to match the account that is doing the migration.
It's a source domain admin account.

Thanks in advance for any input..


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