I've never worked with a single domain controller domain. But I'd expect it to be clever enough to know that if there is no other replica, to just come online as the non auth restore is in affect a auth restore as well.
If you have more than one domain controller and you restore this on a network with no access to the repl partners, I dont think it will come online because it will never be able to reach a replica. Unless of course you chose the primary restore option for SYSVOL in which case it will just come online.
Post more details from the FRS event log if it doesnt come online.
On 8/10/06, Salandra, Justin A. <
We have restored a Domain Controller and on reboot we noticed that the Netlogon, and the SYSVOL folders exists but are not shared. Is this normal, should we share them out ourselves or will it happen automatically?
Justin A. Salandra
MCSE Windows 2000 & 2003
Network and Technology Services Manager
Catholic Healthcare System
646.505.3681 - office
917.455.0110 - cell