I like this approach myself and in fact recommend setting up some sort of security system to configure this to "mailbox admins" as in most orgs I have seen, actual mailbox maintenance at the folder level is done by someone who isn't a service admin. Basically in the past I have set up a website that you go into and request the access and it grants the access, it keeps track of who was given access in a log. Then when they don't need the access again they go back in and request it removed. If anyone requests access but then doesn't revoke it, that shows up on a report and someone can go clean it up or you can ask the website for what is currently delegated and have some or all of them closed out.
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From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Coleman, Hunter
Sent: Thursday, August 03, 2006 12:20 PM
To: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Granting Exchange Mailbox Access

A different approach is for the Exch Full Admin to simply grant him/herself Full Mailbox Access->Allow on an individual, as-needed basis. I prefer this because it requires a conscious effort on the admin's part to access someone else's mailbox, regardless of what your corporate use policies state about email being the company's property.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Crawford, Scott
Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2006 5:20 PM
To: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Granting Exchange Mailbox Access

The perm you’re looking for is Receive As on the Mailbox store.  The problem is that delegating Exchange Full Administrator adds an explicit Deny ACE to CN=First Organization,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=domain,DC=com for Receive As and that gets replicated all the way down to the mailboxes.  So even if you grant your group the required perms, if they’ve been delegated EFA, the Deny will override it.


I’d imagine you can remove the Deny ACE manually, but we just skipped the delegation wizard and added the ACE for Receive As for our Mailbox Admins.


Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2006 5:46 PM
To: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org
Subject: [ActiveDir] Granting Exchange Mailbox Access


In an effort to cut down on service account abuse, I’ve been removing and reducing privileges left and right.  I have delegated Exchange Full Administrator rights to a few users who had previously been using the service account we originally installed Exchange 2003.


Sometimes, the Exchange Administrators will need to access a user’s mailbox to assist with various issues, and I’m having trouble delegating that right to the members of the Exchange Full Administrators group.


I have created a domain security group named simply “Exchange Full Administrators”, and I delegated Exchange Full Administrator rights to that security group at the organizational level.  So anyone in that security group “should” have full administration rights.  I’ve had to delegate a few other rights in Active Directory for some other reasons to this new security group (for instance to give this security group rights to modify the dynamic mailing list OU); however I’m having trouble finding exactly where to delegate rights to give this security group full access to everyone’s mailbox.


Any thoughts?




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