No problem at all, he is actually living in
Let me know if you would like his contact
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Group, Russ Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2006 9:18 AM To: Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Sharepoint in the DMZ Thank you
Is he in NY?
Russ From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ramon Linan Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2006 9:14 AM To: Subject: FW: [ActiveDir] Sharepoint in the DMZ Hi Russ,
I have a friend with a lot of experience as Sharepoint
administrator in different environments, this is what he
BTW, although he is currently working in the same
company than me, he is looking to move to another company, in case you need
They should only open port 443 from the internet and use SSL if it will be used
with AD users. If it’s dual purpose for outlook web access, it still only needs
443. You can hide the purpose of this port from port scanners by using a load
balancer or port redirection. When
connecting servers in the DMZ to servers on the inside, the “best” way is to
create a IPSec tunnel from web server to inside (dbase or exchange)) server
using the MS built in networking and run the tunnel over a non-standard port
such as 5066. That will minimize how many ports are open from the DMZ to inside
and will also take care of forgetting to open a port or two when more traffic
needs to pass such as NetBIOS or AD type traffic. Because it’s a non-standard
port, it makes it harder to find and identify for specific exploit types such as
SQL injection on port 1433 against SQL server. I don’t
have an opinion on using a child domain, it will work fine but if security is
the reason, I’d build a separate domain and use a trust maybe.
What do
you think? Dan From:
On Behalf Of Group,
Russ Hi
all I
have a consultant that wants to put Sharepoint into our DMZ. Here is what
he is proposing to do:
Since I don’t know much about
Sharepoint, I was hoping someone would be to let me know if this has been done
in the past and if it's safe. Thank you
Title: Sharepoint in the DMZ
- RE: [ActiveDir] Sharepoint in the DMZ Group, Russ
- RE: [ActiveDir] Sharepoint in the DMZ Ramon Linan
- RE: [ActiveDir] Sharepoint in the DMZ Group, Russ