You can use dsacls with /T switch to restore the ACL back to default.

C:\dsacls /?
Displays or modifies permissions (ACLS) of an Active Directory (AD)

DSACLS object [/I:TSP] [/N] [/P:YN] [/G <group/user>:<perms> [...]]
              [/R <group/user> [...]] [/D <group/user>:<perms> [...]]
              [/S] [/T] [/A]

   /T               Restore the security on the tree of objects to the
                    default for the object class.
                    This switch is valid only with the /S option.

On 10/26/06, Steve Evans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Because of something called FERPA (Federal Student Privacy Act) I had
written a script that goes through our Students OU and removes the ACE for
Authenticated Users.  This prevented the students private information from
being viewable by non-admin staff.

Now I have been given a better view for our identity system to use that
includes a FERPA flag.  So instead of treating all 20,000 students as FERPA
(and having to remove the AuthUser ACE) I only need to treat those that have
asked for FERPA protection (about 3% of the student body).

So I need to go back through all the student accounts and restore the Auth
User ACE and only remove it from the FERPA students (which I've separated
into a sub-ou of students).

I tried to do this with .Net but had some difficulties.  Anyone have a good
quick way to do this?

Steve Evans

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