If you want to learn WSH scripting end to end, the resources provided are all excellent. Lots of info out there, not necessarily any of it is comprehensive as someone always leaves something out but good nonetheless.
If you want to learn based on doing things and expand out from there look at the "Cookbooks" that have been published by O'Reilly. For AD stuff, you want the Active Directory Cookbook 2E. For Exchange you want the Exchange Cookbook (though there is some of the common AD related tasks in the AD Cookbook). For general Server type items check out the Windows Server Cookbook. If you want Windows Server security related items you want the Windows Server 2003 Security Cookbook.
The nice thing about these books is that they are task oriented which tend to fit people's jobs better and are usually, IMO, easier for people to learn from because they are doing something they care about, not outputting "how now brown cow" or "hello world". Once you start seeing how things are done, it can help understand the more abstract teachings in the "all about _vbscript_ing" type sources.
There are also lots of scripts available in the Technet Script Center but the organization of that whole thing last time I checked about drove me insane. I knew what I wanted and half the time couldn't find it...
As Darren mentioned, you may want to consider looking at PowerShell. It is the new and improved Windows Scripting environment, for that there is a book called Monad (also by O'Reilly) that isn't too bad and does a nice walkthrough to build you up though like any book that is trying to teach scripting or programming may be considered a little dry.
As others mentioned, WSH is sort of a framework that provides common interfaces, etc and allows multiple script engines to be used such as perlscript, _vbscript_, REXX, jscript, Python, etc.
You can also use standalone perl which if you intend to do anything cross/platform you may want to consider plus IMO, it blows _vbscript_ out of the water. Especially if you need to call out to command line tools or parse any kind of string stuff. I have written a considerable amount of _vbscript_, primarily for ASP web sites and small utility scripts and I can't say that I ever liked it, it is silly that it misses basic things like sort, etc. I much preferred my work with REXX and later my work with perl which I still primarily use now. My preferences when putting something together is perl and if I can't do something in perl then c/c++. If I can't use perl then I will use _vbscript_ or jscript.
O'Reilly Active Directory Third Edition - http://www.joeware.net/win/ad3e.htm 

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Stu Packett
Sent: Thursday, November 09, 2006 10:00 AM
To: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org
Subject: [ActiveDir] Beginner's Book on Scripting - WSH or _vbscript_?

Hello everyone.  After reading through a lot of the posts on this mailing list, I realize I could make my job easier if I knew how to script.  I have no experience in scripting, but would like to know what books do you recommend as a beginner's book on scripting?  Also, I don't really know the difference between WSH and _vbscript_, so if anyone could explain that, I'd appreciate that.  After browsing through Amazon, I saw several books on WSH and _vbscript_, but don't know where I should focus on.  I'm also open to computer based training (CBT) videos of any exist.  Thanks in advance.

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