Using "runas /user:<cached id> something" after establishing a VPN session 
should do the trick.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ken Cornetet
Sent: Wednesday, November 22, 2006 9:56 PM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Updating cached credentials

Thanks Al. We typically change passwords via a web app (Psynch) rather than at 
the workstation. One of our desktop techs thought that changing your password 
via the three-finger salute would cause the credentials to be updated, but in 
this case it didn't seem to work. We'll try the workstation lock and see if 
that works.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Al Mulnick
Sent: Wednesday, November 22, 2006 12:31 PM
Subject: Re: [ActiveDir] Updating cached credentials

As I understand it, The nortel vpn client is a shim that works at layer 3 and 
does not take effect until after the user session has begun.  This prevents 
much of the normal node processing you'd like to see happen such as control of 
the windows firewall, caching of group membership and so on.

Since most companies require a password change on a regular basis for user 
accounts, I'm kind of surprised that you see this behavior. The way to change 
the user credentials on a nortel client is to have the user use the three 
finger salute (ctrl+alt+del sequence) to lock the workstation after the vpn is 
established.  When the user logs back on this *is expected* to re-cash the 
credentials.  This should be a familiar sequence of events for the users every 
password change.

Has this not addressed the problem for you to date?

On 11/22/06, Ken Cornetet <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > wrote:
Is there a way to force updating of cached credentials on an XP
workstation? We have several users that seldom (if ever) connect to the
corporate network directly. Instead, they log in (XP sp2) using cached
credentials and connect via a Nortel VPN.

We have several group policies that are filtered by group membership.
The problem is that the group membership seems to be cached on the
workstation, and is never updated to reflect the new membership, and
group policy is never applied.

Is there any mechanism for forcing this update?
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