Thanks for the excellent explanation !

Btw, I have just reproduced the same behavior on a test AD hosting 228 user 
accounts with the following script:

On Error Resume Next

Const wbemFlagReturnImmediately = &h10
Const wbemFlagForwardOnly = &h20

arrComputers = Array(".")
For Each strComputer In arrComputers
   WScript.Echo "=========================================="
   WScript.Echo "Computer: " & strComputer
   WScript.Echo "=========================================="

   Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\CIMV2")
   Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_Account where 
LocalAccount=True and SIDType=1", "WQL", _
                                          wbemFlagReturnImmediately + 

   For Each objItem In colItems
      WScript.Echo "AccountType: " & objItem.AccountType
      WScript.Echo "Caption: " & objItem.Caption
      WScript.Echo "Domain: " & objItem.Domain
      WScript.Echo "FullName: " & objItem.FullName
      WScript.Echo "LocalAccount: " & objItem.LocalAccount
      WScript.Echo "SIDType: " & objItem.SIDType

The script has been running now for 20 minutes with CPU at 100%. The hardware 
is a decent workstation 2.66GHz with 1GB of RAM and is not doing much other 
than being a DC in a test lab.
If you ask me, it smells like a potential DoS if the script was to be executed 
against all the DCs in the enterprise...

I have opened a case with Premier to make it official - our client does want 
that specific extension and insists on a fix (and I totally agree with him - 
avoiding the use of the class will not remedy the implications of being slammed 
by a query like this).


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Alain Lissoir
Sent: Saturday, December 02, 2006 7:37 PM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] 100% CPU utilization when querying Win32_Account on DC

Let me step in here to give you some more background ...  J

WMI is a 3-tier architecture (See figure at
The SMS client runs at the level of the client API (3) and submits the WQL 
query to WMI at layer 2 (Core WMI service).
This query is handled by WMI core. WMI Core looks after the class in the WQL 
query (i.e. Win32_Account) and locates the provider supporting it.
In this case, the provider is CIMWin32 implemented by CIMWin32.DLL (I skip the 
explanation about how WMI does that unless someone is interested). Because that 
CIMWin32 provider does not support WQL query parsing and is not handling them 
by itself, WMI core takes the initiative to actually converts this query into a 
full enumeration request to the provider, meaning that the provider is actually 
building ALL instances of Win32_Account with all their characteristics. Once 
the collection is built, WMI core receives the result set and is then 
post-filtering the enumeration set to match the WHERE clause of the WQL query, 
which in turn returns the result set requested by the client (SMS in this 
case). This is the way how WMI core works with all WMI providers not supporting 
WQL queries natively (I mean supporting query at the level of the provider 
itself). Actually, this enumeration technique is implemented to support WQL 
queries even for providers not supporting WQL queries in their code by design. 
A WMI provider may have many capabilities (i.e. Get, Put, enumerations, events, 
etc) and one of them is to support WQL queries (which actually is off-loading 
WMI core do to the job I just described).

This explanation does not solve your issue, here, but it gives you the 
explanation of the “why” where the actual solution is to implement a WMI 
provider that supports natively WQL queries and actually performs the right SAM 
or LDAP queries against AD (I mean properly scoped). It would be a sort of WMI 
provider converting WQL queries into SAM/LDAP queries to put it short.
This class was created way before AD did exist. The presence of AD increases 
dramatically the number of accounts available. Although this class with this 
provider was working fine during the NT 4.0 time (yes, this class dates from 
that period), it is challenged in large AD infrastructure, Make a test with a 
small AD infrastructure where you have only 2000 accounts, and everything will 
be fine. I can bet that your AD installation is way bigger …

Now, if you use WMI a lot to query the SAM and AD and if you feel this is an 
area where some enhancements can be made, let it me know and I will be pleased 
to communicate this data point to the team in charge of WMI and the team in 
charge of Active Directory, So, we can let them know that it is an important 
scenario to enhance and support better. No commitments here, but I will be 
pleased to convey the message.

Hope this helps a bit …

However, if you feel you have WMI issues, you can always use the WMI Diagnosis 
Tool 1.0. You can find pointers to it (+Webcast) at
Note, we will release the version 2.0 early next year.



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From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Guy Teverovsky
Sent: Friday, December 01, 2006 7:36 AM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] 100% CPU utilization when querying Win32_Account on DC

Thanks Susan, but I think this case is different - we are talking about 
different WMI class and in my case the query hangs and never returns results. 
The ITMU issue is probably a result of intensive load on the CPU when 
performing the query you pointed to, but in my case if I let it run for hours 
it still never finishes.
I am far from being well versed in WMI, but I'd suspect that here the problem 
is caused by WMI not using paging in the query or very inefficient processing 
when using both LocalAccout=True and SidType=1 keys.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Susan Bradley, CPA aka Ebitz - SBS Rocks 
Sent: Friday, December 01, 2006 5:12 PM
Subject: Re: [ActiveDir] 100% CPU utilization when querying Win32_Account on DC

Rod's been tracking that on myitforum and the Patch management listserve
for a while now.

Guy Teverovsky wrote:
> Hi all,
> Recently I had a case where we experiences high CPU utilization after
> deploying SMS client to DCs.
> By now we have identified that the issue was caused by an extension of
> sms_def.mof file containing the definitions of information that should
> be collected from the agent.
> The interesting part is that I was able to reproduce the behavior
> without SMS agent. Just execute the following WMI query on your DC and
> see the CPU spikes to 100% and will stay there till you kill the
> wmiprvse.exe process:
> *select * from Win32_Account where LocalAccount=True and SIDType=1*
> Now you do not need to explain to me that this is damn stupid to run
> this type of query on a DC, yet I would expect the DC to be able
> to handle the query, but what I see is that the query never returns -
> it just hangs there choking up the CPU till you kill the WMI process.
> Almost the same behavior is observed when executing "wmic useraccount"
> from the command line, but in this case the query does return the
> results after a while (~2-3 minutes on ~2K user account AD).
> The only thing related to the issue that I was able to find is the
> following KB:
> ("WMI Query Support for Win32_Group Is Not Optimized") where the
> following query "SELECT * FROM Win32_Group WHERE Domain="workgroup"
> AND Name="smith"" causes the identical behavior. But folks, we are
> talking W2K3 with SP1 and not W2K pre-SP2.
> Any chance anyone has stumbled upon it ? Is aware of hotfix ?
> Thanks,
> Guy
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