I have a strange problem and can not find any solution

        I used DCpromo to depromote a computer. It worked ok, the Domain 
controller was depromoted. But when I use repadmin to show other dc´s 
replication, it show replications from the domain controler depromoted. I 
didn´t find anything to explain how to solve that. 
        Where can I find it, to remove it from replication. The machine is 
a network computer, but replication fails with message:

    SPO-COSTA\SPO-CENTRO5   <<<--------------   (THIS IS THE DOMAIN 
DEL:357e1f2d-65bf-4a6d-8399-ce536b6da174 (deleted DSA) via RPC
        DC object GUID: ab0540a5-545d-43d6-be25-94a21ba3893f
        Address: ab0540a5-545d-43d6-be25-94a21ba3893f._msdcs.sabesp.com.br
        DC invocationID: fc87edcb-ab23-4fd6-8d12-14c79aa926d2
        USNs: 13018091/OU, 13018091/PU
        Last attempt @ 2006-12-07 07:56:32 failed, result 8524 (0x214c):
            A operação de agente do sistema de diretórios (DSA) não pode 
uir devido a uma falha de pesquisa de DNS.
        96 consecutive failure(s).
        Last success @ 2006-12-01 07:58:08.

Adrião Ferreira Ramos 

Depto. de Operações e Infra-Estrutura - CII.14


(11) 3388.8193

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