Happy New Year to you too J

Mexico hasn't joined in, which is why it's a bit of a hassle if you have 
machines in Mexico as well: right now they use the same time zone as used in 
the US [(GMT-08) Tijuana, Baja California]. But since they're not jumping on 
the time zone change track, MSFT will introduce a new time zone for Mexico 
which the Mexican machines will have to be adjusted for to use (which is 
obviously not the same thing as just updating the time zone tables with new 
values for daylight savings time).

As was mentioned before, being in a domain ensures UTC time sync - but the 
local settings on the clients determine it's time zone and daylight savings 
configuration.  The more important part in an AD domain is that machines aren't 
"fixed" manually, once March 11th comes around... Meaning to say if an admin 
notices that the clock is off by an hour on a server (due to a missing patch 
which would have adjusted the DST values), then the admin shouldn't correct the 
time manually - the Kerberos protocol is not very forgiving for a skew of an 
hour. Users would not be able to reach the server and if this is a DC, 
replication with other DCs would fail as well. You'd have all sorts of lovely 
issues authentication issues...  Which is why - besides ensuring that all 
machines are updated appropriately - you should teach your admins how to 
properly handle a manual change in case it is necessary (i.e. how to adjust the 
DST values).

BTW, don't forget to update your PDAs and other mobile devices that connect to 
your network and sync with Exchange: they'll be your primary reason for false 
meeting schedules etc.

Ha, March 11 and the following 3 weeks are going to be so much fun, and so will 
the first week in November J   I wonder if anyone ever thought about the energy 
spent for this change of DST vs. the energy saved by it...


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Richard Kline
Sent: Sonntag, 31. Dezember 2006 21:45
To: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org
Subject: [ActiveDir] OT: Sorta... AD and the 3/07 Time Change

This question addresses the March'07 Dailylight Saving's time change in the US 
and Canada (has Mexico joined in?).

I work for an institute of higher learning where the policies (human, not 
domain) get a little...  unevenly suggested.  So please grant me some leniency 
as to why this question is even asked :)

Does belonging to a domain with properly configured time synchronization lessen 
the concern for applying the XP patches as they relate to the March 2007 time 
change?  Or the need to take special care with Windows 2000 workstations?

In other words, will AD sync the PC clock on Windows 2000 workstations to the 
correct hour during next next March's "leap ahead"

Speaking of time:  Happy New Year to Everyone!

Thank you.


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