Hi All,

Thanks everyone for looking at and testing the latest C++ client update. Sorry 
if we have not been so clear regarding the stability of the code, the code is 
highly untested and as said in the upload mail we will commence 
testing/debugging shortly - so expect bugs!!

As we've just finished the port we will shift focus and look into all the 
issues you have raised, see comments below.

1) Use of smart pointers.

Though the user interface would be cleaner without smart pointers they serves a 
purpose even when the passed in object is not owned by the client. As soon as 
an object is shared between two classes you have the problem when the object 
should be deleted - this problem is eliminated when using SP's, the object is 
deleted when both object releases its reference to it.

SP's and Strings: Semi-agreed :) The setters should all have "const char*" but 
we could change the getters to std:string (without SP), then it is up to the 
user to either use it as a std:string or a "const char*".

2) ITextMessage should extend IMessage

This was a last minute change to make it compile. Nate, your solution seems to 
be a viable way of handling it - thanks!

3) SP dynamic_cast rather than reinterpret_cast

It is correct that reinterpret_cast<> does not adjust the pointer value as 
needed when casting between different classes in a class hierarchy. However, 
the reinterpret_cast<> is used for casting between void* and objects and is 
needed for the p<> template to work. Where such pointer-value-adjustment is 
needed (up/down-casting), static_cast<> is used which works the same as 
dynamic_cast<> except that it does no runtime type check.

4) ExceptionListener

An ExceptionListener is missing. We could either add a method on 
IMessageListener or add a new interface IExceptionListener, prefer the latter. 

5) .NET namespace

Hiram, what rules does Apache imply on this? Is it ok to use the namespaces 
your giving examples on? Looking on the Java code all Apache code starts with 

Mats & David

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