128 meg? Nonsense! Works fine on my laptop with 32 meg...

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Charles H
Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2001 3:52 PM
To: Richard Holt
Subject: Re: [OT] RE:Unsubscribe

Well, now, this is my "several" time for joining this list, actually
have been a member for a very long time (for ActiveState, anyway).  I
have been active somewhere since about 1992, too, and am on several
mailing lists, primarily lists like slashdot, NASA, silicon, Nature,
freshmeat, and even my fraternity's list.  All these lists have people
coming and going all the time.  I am an this list more out of wanting to
see what is going on then anything, since I am NOT a programmer, but
like to know what places to send young wantabe programmers.  Also, I may
want to so a little scripting in java, perl, tcl, and python, but an not
sure.  Since I write and publish on my webpage, I was forced to learn
html, but hate java script, would not touch visual basic with a
1,000,000,000,000,000 meter pole and use the Microsoft OS's only because
I have to (MS security sucks, just had to delete a snowwhite - HAHAHAHA
- virus someone sent via email   that is an old one, but saw it coming
right off).  The one thing I find bad about being on this list is that I
most likely will not find anything interesting, since activeperl
requires 128 meg ram and I am running only 64 on this windows box and my
linux box with the 128 meg ram is reserved for my irc server and html
pages only.  I do have python on this box, and it is usable, so will
play with it a bit to see if I want to or can use it in my html stuff.
 The Perl is, however, also a language of the internet, so I want to see
if I can use it, too.

Richard Holt wrote:

>I just subscribed also to learn a bit about perl.
>I think there's lot's of newbies with time to search
>during the holidays. People join from a cybercafe,
>then try to change from a different one, which
>complicates things.
>I had the same problem in 1992 when I first got on
>the internet. Got on lists, but was too concerned
>about cost of being on line to read very closely.
>Consequently, I embarrassed myself in the same
>way so many are doing. What is now obvious was
>not obvious 9 years ago.
>I know there's info but it means you have to get
>on the internet and surf. For many parts of the
>world, that is a very expensive proposition.
>I expect we'll continue to see more and more
>until there is a more goof-proof way to unsubscribe
>for those new to the internet.
>It was spooky back then; I imagine it still is for those
>who are learning on their own and paying their own phone bill.
>>Why is this list shedding users faster than Windows????
>>I just joined and the overwhelming # of posts are for unsubscription...
>>Is there something I should know about this list???
>>Chuck Spillman
>>ActivePerl mailing list
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