I am outputting a bar graph with GDGraph but I don't seem to be able
to change the font face or size for any text elements.
Most recent ActiveState perl release and current GD and GD::Graph.

 use GD::Graph::bars;
 use GD::Text; # seems to make no difference if present or not
Then this line does nothing at all:

This seems to try and work but makes little boxes:
 $graph->set_title_font('C:/winnt/fonts/arial.ttf', 18);

   I've also tried moving the ttf file to the same directory as the
   script as well as other directories.  I've checked the permissions
   on the ttf file.  Nothing seems to make any difference.

 GD::Text->can_do_ttf() returns 1.

I don't get program errors.  The chart is fine but I'd really like to
be able to change the font size and face if possible.

If anyone is doing this successfully I'd really appreciate learning
the solution.

Terry Fritts

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