> Hello.
> I have IIS 5.0, Active Perl, Windows 2000.
> This past year, I picked up perl (I'm a VB programmer) and have been
> using it solely for cgi scripts. I've been useing notepad to program,
> and no debugger software. I don't have any additional modules
> installed other than what is included in, nor do I use any
> of the packages.
> I would now like to venture into compiling one of my scripts into a
> DLL, so that I may abstantiate it in one of my .asp page.
> What software do I need, and how would I go about doing this?

To create COM DLLs from Perl you need PerlCtrl, it's part of the 
Perl Development Kit that can be purchased at

You may also use Perl in ASPs directly. Either via

        <SCRIPT language="PerlScript" runat=server>
        ... any Perl code

        <%@ Language=PerlScript %>
        ... any Perl code

all you need for this is a reasonably old ActivePerl (one year old is 
new enough). You might want to install and use Win32::ASP or to simplify some ASP specific issues.


=========== [EMAIL PROTECTED] == ==========
There is a reason for living. There must be. I've seen it somewhere.
It's just that in the mess on my table ... and in my brain
I can't find it.
                                        --- me
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