From: Gerry Hickman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > You might like DBD::SQLite
> Thanks, is it "built in" to standard Perl 5 - I don't have any control
> over the server.

I'll assume a questionmark after the "Perl 5" ;-)

No. It's not part of the core instalation. It might be part of DBI 
bundle instalation now though.

You'll have to try and see.

Or ask them to install it for you. DBD::SQLite doesn't require any 
external drivers or whatever, it's a complete file-based database in 
a Perl module (actually it's available as a C library, but that 
library is staticaly linked into the module when you make it).

I believe you did not tell us what operating system is it, but if 
it's a unix they can install it simply by
        perl Makefile.PL
        make test
        make install

and if it's a windows machine they can install it via PPM from my 
repository at

Apropos, the DB_File should be installed with perl, I believe.

=========== [EMAIL PROTECTED] == ==========
There is a reason for living. There must be. I've seen it somewhere.
It's just that in the mess on my table ... and in my brain
I can't find it.
                                        --- me

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