My problem with MODULES is you must also install them everywhere, if you
use one that is outside the default installation.
Of course the PASRE is not in the category with Activeperl.

One also must take the time to understand HOW the module works.  I quickly
scanned PARSE when I went to use it and used a tag
of <TD> but that in retrospect seems to have been the wrong tag to use.
Maybe had I used TD instead I would have been happy with the module.  A
situation that it would have been nice if the module did what I wanted not
what I said :-)

I also find it annoying, that all modules are NOT run with -w and strict
enforced.  Geez, if you gonna make it public and all shouldn't ya take the
time to crush the undefined, and other annoyances?

Though I agree, if the module is easy to use.  And does what you want, then
by all means use it.  But if you only need to write
three lines of code that will get the job done for 99% of the work.  Is it
worth hunting for the right module and learning that module
to get it done days later instead of in 10 minutes?  It depends.


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