The OOP ones are ... well. Not sure what you want here - perl does OOP 
(one of the best books out there  is D. Conway's "Object Oriented Perl" 
(Manning)) as well as you want it, as long as you recognize Larry bias 
that enforced encapsulation (by the language) is wrong - a paraphrase of 
his reasoning is "People should stay out of your living room w/o being 
asked because it the right thing to do, not because you have a shot gun." 
There are a couple tricks to make perl more and more unbreakably OOP 
(inside out objects, for one) but the general feeling is its not worth the 
effort. OOP should be enforced by ease of use - if somebody needs to pick 
around on the inside of your object, you've got a programming issue, not a 
language issue.

OOp isn't ... you know, like an IEEE standard or something, it a 
methodology.  Perl lets you do the method (lots and lots of magic object 
building modules) but isn't going to force you.


Andy Bach
Systems Mangler
VOICE: (608) 261-5738  FAX 264-5932

"Cacoepy" is not to be confused with cacology "bad choice of words." The 
antonym of "cacoepy" 
is orthoepy "the correct pronunciation of words." "Cacoepistic" is the 
adjective form of today's word 
and a person who often mispronounces words is a "cacoepist."
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