>> A quick look at the documentation for Config::Scoped suggests that it
>> expected behaviour unless permission checks are disabled. grep the
>> documentation for 'permission' for more info, particularly the
>> permissions_validate function.
> All I can say in my defence was that it was very late last night when I 
> was trying to find out what was going on and missed this bit...
> Thanks
> Mark

This leads me to another question. From the documentation for 


Checks for owner and permission safety unless warnings for permissions are 
off in the current scope. The owner of the cfg_file (and any included file) 
must be either the real uid or superuser and no one but owner may write to 
it. Must throw a Config::Scoped::Error::Validate::Permissions exception 
otherwise. This method may be overridden to perform different safety checks 
if necessary. The method has the following interface:

    $parser->permissions_validate( handle => $fh );

    $parser->permissions_validate( file => $file_name );


This doesn't sound to me like there is an easy way to switch this off in the 
code but rather I have to override the function. Is it sensible to override 
the function with one that simply returns true? If so can anyone give me a 
pointer on how to go about it?

Another workaround I guess is to change the file permissions in the code 
before I use it which somehow seems a bit messy.

Any advice much appreciated.


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