
                Thank you very much. I've applied suggested fix and it 
works now.

Best regards


"Brian Raven" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Wysłane przez: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
2007-12-11 19:03
        Do:     <>
        DW:     (UDW: Mariusz Stakowski/WROCŁAW/PROKOM/PL)
        Temat:  RE: Net::FTP problem ?

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mike
Sent: 11 December 2007 15:28
Subject: Re: Net::FTP problem ?

> I had the same problem.  I had to find an older copy of Net:FTP, from
the 5.6 ActivePerl, and copied that over > the 5.8's version.
> Perl 5.8, Net::FTP v 2.77
> when we downgrade to Perl 5.6, Net::FTP is v 2.72
> Somewhere in there it broke.  Thanks for sending this, I'd actually
forgotten about it.  Hope some guru knows 
> the real fix.

Ah yes. Looking at CPAN, the bug list for libnet (which contains
Net::FTP) at
lists the bug a couple of times. One of them
( suggests a fix, if
feel you like trying it.

However, looking at the change log for libnet indicates that the bug has
been fixed. And checking the code in the latest version of libnet (1.22)
shows that the fix mentioned above has been implemented.

So, if you use ppm to install the latest version of libnet you might get
better results.


Brian Raven 

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