I'd be looking at the server's http error log. anything the script kicked
out, msg-wise will be there. You should also put some info in your 'open'
stmt's die clause:
 open(FILE,">/home/server/file.txt") or die;

    or die "Can't write home/server/file.txt: $!";

> I don't know if this happens because of the https. I've set the
> permissions of /home/server dir to 777, and also the same for all
> files inside the directory, but
> I cannot write a file inside this directory.

This isn't anything important is it? This seems like the worst sort of
admin flailing. There's only one file there file.txt that'd matter and
/home also needs to be open enough for the user the web server is running
as to be able to see server and file.txt.  Your bare 'die' would put some
msg in the httpd error_log but by adding the info above (the "$!" would
give the human version of the OS error) it may be obvious.   But you can't
do cgi programming w/o the httpd error log.


Andy Bach
Systems Mangler
Voice: (608) 261-5738 Fax: 264-5932

"It's true that I've driven through a number of red lights. But on the
 hand, I've stopped at a lot of green ones I've never gotten credit for"
Glen Gould

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