On Sun, 05 Feb 2012, Jan Dubois wrote:

>> On Sun, 05 Feb 2012, Francisco Zarabozo wrote:
>> I'm guessing this has to do with 32 bit and 64 bit DLLs and that
>> Win32::OLE works with 32 or 64 bit registrations/DLLs accordingly to
>> whether you are using a 32 or 64 bit version of Perl. But, I'm just
>> guessing and I'm not really sure about what the problem is or how to
>> solve it.

> Yes, that is correct.  You cannot load a 32-bit DLL into a 64-bit process.
> Your best option forward would be to obtain a 64-bit version of your
> COM component.
> Failing that, you could try to host the 32-bit component in a surrogate
> host process, and then let COM do the inter-process marshaling, which
> will automatically take care of the 32/64 bit conversion as well. It
> will be a lot slower than running the component in-process though.
> Configuring COM components manually is not for the faint-of-heart though,
> but if you want to try it, here is a link to a mirror of an article that
> pretty much describes what you would have to do.

Hello Jan,

Thank you (and Michael Ludwig) for your answers! I tried the following guide 
on MaxMind's site, which I think is the same thing you were suggesting Jan:


That worked great and now I can use the 32 bit dll from Perl x64.

Thanks again! :-)


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