Gar Nelson wrote:
> Rank newbie (hardware guy branching out)
> I'm using "Learning Python" by Lutz and Ascher, published by O'Reilly
> I've done a basic install of Active Python, without any customization.
> The example in the book (pg 22), that does not function is;
> >>> from Tkinter import *
> >>>w = Button(text="hello", command='exit')
> >>>w.pack()
> >>>w.mainloop()

There are two main issues that you will run into using TKinter with

 1. Tk is not installed with ActivePython. You can get it here:

 2. Tk applications do not work from within the PythonWin environment.
Make sure to use "Python Shell" instead.

 Paul Prescod
ActivePython mailing list

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