    I am running Win XP,(using Visual Python, with ActiveState Python)
writing a Python program that runs a C++ back-end using openGL..(This may
not be significant to my question, but I thought I'd mention it). Anyway,
The problem is if I set a breakpoint anywhere in Visual Python, the code
grinds to a very slow pace. I don't understand why, since Python is
interpretive and there shouldn't be much overhead to check for a breakpoint.
Also, if I have a breakpoint enabled, there is a 20 second pause from
whenever I close the application normally to whenever control is returned to
Visual Studio.

1) What gives with the slowdown issue ? Perhaps my understanding of how
Python deals with breakpoints is faulty..

2) Where can I find more info about debugging fairly complex programs
effectively in Python ? Is it better to use pdb ? How is this generally done
? Do all Python IDEs suffer from the same responsiveness problems that
Visual Studio has ? (for example I cannot break into a running program)

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