Hi all,

I'm brand new (as in, this morning) to AW and OLAP, and have come up
against a wall pretty quick. I'm working on a newspaper site, where an
Article has_many :regions and has_many :topics. I see from pages like
http://www.dbmsmag.com/9808d05.html and
http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms345139.aspx that the star
schema can be extended with bridges/helpers/snowflakery to support
multivalued dimensions, but I have questions:
 1. A couple of places seemed to argue that the bridge tables defeated
    the performance advantages of the star schema, as bridge tables
    would have even more rows than fact tables. Agree/disagree?
 2. I suppose I could just make three fact tables, Article,
    ArticleRegion, and ArticleTopic, but that's a bunch of added
    complexity, and I lose the ability to slice by both topic and region
    at once (or by topic grouping, without double-counting).

And most importantly:
 3. How would I implement such a beast in ActiveWarehouse? I got as far
    as `script/generate bridge`. :P Is there cube support for this type
    of thing?

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