ACUPA colleagues,
As it does throughout the year, your ACUPA board of directors tracks and 
considers changes to the ACUPA 
 with an eye toward providing clarity and strengthening the organization. At 
this year's annual meeting of the full membership, which will take place in 
just two weeks at ACUPA 2017, ACUPA members will have the opportunity to 
discuss all proposed bylaws changes. In addition, members in good standing are 
welcome to suggest their own changes to the bylaws. A vote of the full 
membership, on any changes, will take place via the website after the annual 
You can read about the two major changes recommended by the ACUPA board of 
directors in this issue of the 
ACUPAexchange<>, our 
quarterly newsletter.  Additionally, you can see all of the 
 most of which are small and clarifying, as a black-lined document on the ACUPA 

In addition, all changes submitted by members in good standing to the board of 
directors by June 16 will be considered and, where appropriate, added to the 
agenda for the annual meeting.  Submit your suggested changes to the 

I look forward to seeing many of you in two weeks!

Kind regards,

Joshua Adams, Cornell University
ACUPA Vice-Chair for Administration
341 Pine Tree Road
Ithaca, NY 14850

p: 607.255.8279
f: 607.254.1555

ACUPA 2017<>, May 21-23, 2017 
in Minneapolis

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