ACUPA Forums

Dear policy colleagues,

We’ve started the clock on the retirement of the e-list and are excited
about fully using the features that exist within the ACUPA forums:

*Ability for you to subscribe and unsubscribe* to forums and discussion
strings, as well as to set preferences for receiving messages; and

 *Ability for you to search all past conversations* for keywords and
subjects (YM provides for the automatic management and maintenance of all
conversations and discussion strings).

As the new calendar year approaches, so does exclusive use of the ACUPA
forums.  This switchover will be complete as of January 1, 2018, but you
need not wait until then to begin using forums. (Go to .


1.    Are there things I can do to get ready for this transition?

Absolutely!  First, we encourage you to begin using the YM forums for
asking questions and submitting responses to other members.  Second, this
is a good time to check your subscription to forums (use the FORUMS:
HOW-TO link under the TOOLS tab) just to make sure you’re not missing out
on all the policy conversations.

2.    What will happen if I try to send an email to the e-list
after January 1?

A gentle reminder that the e-list is no longer available and that you will
need to post your question in forums will come back to you.  No
distribution to the full list will occur.

3.     If I post a question to the e-list prior to January 1, will members
still be able to respond via the e-list after January 1?

The short answer is “no.”  Those respondents will also receive a reminder
that the e-list is not available.  However, if you begin to use the forums
now or any time before the January 1st date, then all the responses from
policy colleagues will be recorded and captured in the forums and you won’t
have to worry about missing out on great answers.

Still have a question that’s not covered here?  No problem. Joshua Adams,
Cornell University ( would be happy to assist you with
your specific question.

Thanks and happy Friday!


Michele Gross, Director
Policy Program
University of Minnesota
356-1 McNamara, 200 Oak street
Minneapolis, MN  55454

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