Hi Mark,

The draft revisions to the University of New Mexico’s HIPAA policy (which is a 
Regents’-level policy) do take a similar approach to the one described in your 
email. I have pasted the proposed revised version of the policy below.


DRAFT OF 10-10-2017 – clean copy

Regents' Policy Manual - Section 3.8: Institutional HIPAA Compliance Program
(formerly part of RPM 3.7)


This policy applies to the “health care components” of the University’s Health 
Sciences Center (HSC), to other health care components of the University, and 
to the University’s organized health care arrangement (OHCA).

The University is considered a “hybrid covered entity” because it consists of 
both health care components and non-health care components. The health care 
components of the hybrid covered entity are identified in Exhibit A to this 


It is the policy of the health care components of the University to establish 
reasonable administrative, technical, and physical safeguards in an effort to 
protect the privacy of “protected health information” and “electronic protected 
health information” that the health care components create, obtain, or 
maintain, as required by the:

  *   Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, as amended 
  *   Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act, 
contained in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (HITECH), and
  *   regulations issued by the Department of Health and Human Services with 
respect to HIPAA (collectively with HIPAA and HITECH, the “HIPAA Standards”).

Self-Insured Health Plans

The University and University Hospitals may sponsor self-insured health plans 
for the benefit of their respective employees and their dependents, including 
the UNM Self-Insured Health Plan, the Self-Insured Resident Physician Health 
Plan, and the Self-Insured Student Health Plan (each, a “Self-Insured Benefit 
Plan,” and, collectively, the “Self-Insured Benefit Plans”).  The Self-Insured 
Benefit Plans shall each be considered a “covered entity” within the meaning of 
the HIPAA Standards.

HIPAA Privacy Officer

The University President has delegated to the Chancellor for Health Sciences 
responsibility for assuring that the University’s health care components 
identified in Exhibit A comply with the HIPAA Standards.  As part of that 
responsibility, the Chancellor for Health Sciences designates an individual to 
serve as the HIPAA Privacy Officer for the University’s health care components.
The responsibilities of the HIPAA Privacy Officer include assuring that Exhibit 
A accurately reflects the University’s health care components. The HIPAA 
Privacy Officer must notify the UNM Policy Office when Exhibit A should be 
amended. The UNM Policy Office has authority to amend Exhibit A at the request 
of the HIPAA Privacy Officer.

Affiliated Corporations

Two affiliated University Research Park and Economic Development Act (URPEDA) 
corporations that are components of HSC’s clinical arm are separate legal 
entities and, therefore, their own covered entities within the meaning of the 
HIPAA Standards.  These URPEDA corporations are integral members of the UNM 
Health System, as defined in RPM 
3.4<http://policy.unm.edu/regents-policies/section-3/3-4.html>, and have 
adopted and implemented their own policies in respect to the HIPAA Standards, 
consistent with this policy.
More specifically, UNM Medical Group, Inc. (UNMMG) and any and all clinics 
operated and/or managed by UNMMG are a covered entity separate from the 
University, including, without limitation, UNMMG’s provision of third-party 
administration, medical management, clinical management, network management, 
and related services in relation to any of the Self-Insured Benefit Plans.
In addition, UNM Sandoval Regional Medical Center, Inc. (SRMC) and any and all 
clinics operated and/or managed by SRMC are a covered entity separate from the 
University.  At the same time, any self-insured group health benefit plan 
sponsored by SRMC for the benefit of SRMC employees and their dependents (the 
“SRMC Self-Insured Benefit Plan”) is also considered a separate covered entity.

Organized Health Care Arrangement

The HSC, the Self-Insured Benefit Plans, UNMMG, SRMC, the SRMC Self-Insured 
Benefit Plan, and the health care components listed in Exhibit A shall take the 
steps necessary to be considered an OHCA within the meaning of the HIPAA 
Standards when the parties mutually agree and benefit from joint activities. 
All components of the OHCA will undertake the steps necessary to comply with 
the HIPAA Standards.


  *   NMSA 1978, § 21-28-1 et seq. (“University Research Park and Economic 
Development Act”)
  *   42 U.S.C. § 1320d, and as amended by the HIPAA Omnibus rule, effective 
March 26, 2013 (“The Administrative Simplification Provisions of the Health 
Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996”)
  *   Regulations pursuant to HIPAA: 45 CFR, Parts 160, 162, and 164; American 
Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009; Title XIII; Health Information 
Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act
  *   RPM 3.4 (“Health Sciences 
  *   UNM’s HIPAA Compliance Policy for Certain Health Plans Offered by the 


The University of New Mexico, as a hybrid covered entity under 42 CFR Part 
164.504, hereby designates the following operations as health care components 
for purposes of complying with the HIPAA Standards:

  *   HSC and its academic and clinical arms (as defined in RPM 
3.4<http://policy.unm.edu/regents-policies/section-3/3-4.html>, except for 
  *   Telemedicine, telehealth, and teleradiology programs (including, without 
limitation, Project ECHO) on all UNM campuses, hospitals, and clinics
  *   Counseling Assistance and Referral Services
  *   Speech and Hearing Sciences
  *   Employee Health Promotion
  *   Any and all Lobo Clinics
  *   Student Health and Counseling, excluding those activities thereof covered 
by the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act, 20 USC. § 1232g, as amended
  *   Office of the University Counsel when accessing or providing health care 
operational support services in respect to the HSC, the Self-Insured Benefit 
Plans, and/or to any of the other health care components identified in this 
Exhibit A
  *   Safety and Risk Services Department when accessing or providing health 
care operational support services in respect to the HSC, the Self-Insured 
Benefit Plans, and/or to any of the other health care components identified in 
this Exhibit A
  *   Internal Audit Department when accessing or providing health care 
operational support services in respect to the HSC, the Self-Insured Benefit 
Plans, and/or to any of the other health care components identified in this 
Exhibit A
  *   Applicable Human Resources Departments as follows:
     *   of the University, in carrying out and discharging its administration 
duties in respect to its Self-Insured Benefit Plan
     *   of UNM Hospitals, in carrying out and discharging its administration 
duties in respect to its Self-Insured Benefit Plan
  *   Information Technologies Department of the University, and the HSC, 
respectively, when accessing or providing mission support services in respect 
to the HSC, the Self-Insured Benefit Plans, and/or to any of the other health 
care components identified in this Exhibit A

Pamina M. Deutsch
University Policy and Administrative Planning Director
UNM Policy Office, 114B Scholes Hall
MSC05 3357
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001
Tel. 505.277-2069
Web. http://policy.unm.edu<http://policy.unm.edu/>

From: <bounce-122034736-56848...@list.cornell.edu> on behalf of Mark Green 
Reply-To: Association of College and University Policy Administrators 
Date: Thursday, November 9, 2017 at 6:18 AM
To: Association of College and University Policy Administrators 
Subject: [acupa-l] University HIPAA policy?

Hello everyone,

Here at FIU we are taking on a huge project, we are revising the University 
HIPAA policy(ies). Ultimately we would like to have an overarching University 
HIPAA policy(ies) and allow for each covered entity to have their own HIPAA 
policies and procedures that support the University HIPAA policy(ies).

1.       Do you have a similar approach to HIPAA or your campus? Please state 
why or why not.

2.       Please share your University HIPAA policy(ies).

Thank you,

Mark Green, MBA, CCEP
Compliance Manager
FIU Office of University Compliance & Integrity
11200 SW 8th Street PC 429
Miami, FL 33199
Phone: 305-348-0002
Fax: 305-348-7657
Email: gree...@fiu.edu<mailto:gree...@fiu.edu>

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