Hi Theresa,

Thanks for asking.  You will *absolutely* have an option to receive email.
The email will come from YM when a member sends out a question or a

You also have two ways in which you can subscribe to Forums:  through
Manage Profile, and from the Forums page. They'll both ultimately get you
to the page where you can select your choices.


Click on the Tools tab (top right).  Once there, select Go To Forums.  The
image below shows what you will see.  Just under the title ACUPA Forums,
there is this label:  My Subscriptions and Settings.  If you click on that,
you'll see the second image that I've pasted into this email.  You may
manage your choices from there.

ACUPA Forums

My Su <http://acupa.site-ym.com/members/ForumSubscriptions.aspx>[image: My
Subscriptions & Settings]bscriptions & Settings
[image: Top Posters]Top Posters

Policy Topics Posts Latest Activity
*Policy Process <http://acupa.site-ym.com/forums/Topics.aspx?forum=188375> *
7 26
Timeline for Sexual Harassment Complaints: Employees
by K. McNeill, University of Victoria
Wednesday, November 15, 2017
*Policy Subject Matters
<http://acupa.site-ym.com/forums/Topics.aspx?forum=188376> *
32 100
Student Verification of Identification
by L. Erwin, Mercy College of Ohio
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
Other Topics Posts Latest Activity
*ACUPA 2018 in Anaheim
<http://acupa.site-ym.com/forums/Topics.aspx?forum=220387> *
To discuss the ACUPA conference. 2 4
Panel Idea - New Policy Programs
by K. Cross, Northwestern University
Thursday, November 9, 2017
*Website Management and Suggestions
<http://acupa.site-ym.com/forums/Topics.aspx?forum=188377> *
1 7
Policy Management Software
by B. Meyer, NorthWest Arkansas Community College
Tuesday, October 31, 2017
*Other Administrative Matters
<http://acupa.site-ym.com/forums/Topics.aspx?forum=188378> *
3 3
2017 ACUPA Conference - Early Bird Registration Nearly Gone!
by M. Gross, University of Minnesota
Monday, March 6, 2017

*Manage Profile*

In the top right navigation bar once you're signed in is an option to
Manage your Profile.

Once you've clicked on that, you have a page of choices.  Under Community,
there should be one labeled Forum Settings.  It's here that you check your
preferences.   This is what mine looks like.   There are currently four
Forum categories (see the left side of the image below).

You'll notice that I subscribed to everything.  If I didn't want Instant
Updates, for example, I would click on the red X below and then I would
still receive the Digests (

Forum Last Activity Subscribed Options
Policy Subject Matters
<http://acupa.site-ym.com/forums/Topics.aspx?forum=188376> 11/21/2017
11/4/2015 Unsubscribe from Instant UpdatesUnsubscribe from Digest
Policy Process <http://acupa.site-ym.com/forums/Topics.aspx?forum=188375>
11/15/2017 11/4/2015 Unsubscribe from Instant UpdatesUnsubscribe from Digest
Website Management and Suggestions
<http://acupa.site-ym.com/forums/Topics.aspx?forum=188377> 10/31/2017
11/4/2015 Unsubscribe from Instant UpdatesUnsubscribe from Digest
Other Administrative Matters
<http://acupa.site-ym.com/forums/Topics.aspx?forum=188378> 3/6/2017
11/4/2015 Unsubscribe from Instant UpdatesUnsubscribe from Digest

If you have any difficulties, please contact the webmaster, Joshua Adams at
j...@cornell.edu for further assistance.


On Mon, Dec 4, 2017 at 10:42 AM, Theresa Rowe <r...@oakland.edu> wrote:

> Hi,
> I've been through the instructions and the site, and I want to confirm an
> understanding.  Is it the intent that we will not longer have any option to
> receive email?  I've tried to find a way to subscribe to a the Policy
> Process and Policy Subject Matters forums, but I cannot seem to find an
> actual subscribe process nor a way to get the discussions sent by email.
> Is that the intent?
> Theresa
> Theresa Rowe
> Chief Information Officer
> Oakland University
> On Mon, Dec 4, 2017 at 9:20 AM, Michele Gross <m-g...@umn.edu> wrote:
>> Title:  Countdown to the end of the ACUPA e-list continues
>> It's been exciting to see so many of you switch over to the use of Forums
>> for our policy questions!
>> While it does require a sign-on to the ACUPA website (YM), the Forums
>> provide you the ability to search all past conversations for keywords and
>> subjects.  You also have the option to subscribe and unsubscribe to
>> discussion strings and set your preferences for receiving messages.
>> The switch-over from the e-list to Forums will be complete as of January
>> 1, 2018.  I'll send out a reminder in about two weeks, and then a
>> notification when the e-list is no longer active.
>> Thank you for your help in making this transition early!
>> Michele
>> --
>> Michele Gross, Director
>> Policy Program
>> University of Minnesota
>> 356-1 McNamara, 200 Oak street
>> <https://maps.google.com/?q=200+Oak+street+Minneapolis,+MN%C2%A0+55454+612&entry=gmail&source=g>
>> Minneapolis, MN  55454
>> <https://maps.google.com/?q=200+Oak+street+Minneapolis,+MN%C2%A0+55454+612&entry=gmail&source=g>
>> 612
>> <https://maps.google.com/?q=200+Oak+street+Minneapolis,+MN%C2%A0+55454+612&entry=gmail&source=g>
>> -624-8081
>> http://policy.umn.edu/
>> *Replying to Messages:* Replying (using Reply) to an ACUPA-L e-mail will
>> distribute your message to the *ENTIRE list of members*. To send a
>> message privately, reply directly to the individual who sent the message
>> (their e-mail address appears in the "From" line of their original e-mail).
>> *To Unsubscribe or for questions about the ACUPA e-list,* Contact Joshua
>> Adams at j <jamiepar...@cornell.edu?subject=ACUPA%20e-list%20assistance>
>> a...@cornell.edu
>> <j...@cornell.edu?subject=Question%20About%20the%20ACUPA%20E-list> or
>> 607-255-8279 <(607)%20255-8279>.
> *Replying to Messages:* Replying (using Reply) to an ACUPA-L e-mail will
> distribute your message to the *ENTIRE list of members*. To send a
> message privately, reply directly to the individual who sent the message
> (their e-mail address appears in the "From" line of their original e-mail).
> *To Unsubscribe or for questions about the ACUPA e-list,* Contact Joshua
> Adams at j <jamiepar...@cornell.edu?subject=ACUPA%20e-list%20assistance>
> a...@cornell.edu
> <j...@cornell.edu?subject=Question%20About%20the%20ACUPA%20E-list> or
> 607-255-8279 <(607)%20255-8279>.

Michele Gross, Director
Policy Program
University of Minnesota
356-1 McNamara, 200 Oak street
Minneapolis, MN  55454


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