Dear All


I do hope you don't mind me doing a round-robin email like this but I
hope some of you might be prepared to help with a project I am starting
to become engaged in.  This is just a heads-up as I don't have details
yet but if we do get going then it would be good if we could spring into
action in this survey season.


I am working with a group in Arundel who are fighting against the
proposed Arundel bypass.  One thing they want to do is encourage as much
survey and information gathering along the route of the bypass as
possible.  To do this they have just established a sub-group (Arun
Valley Ecological Survey - AVES) to bring information together.  In
practice this survey group will be a bit at arm's length of the campaign
group - it's better to have a fairly neutral attitude to data collection
rather than promote it as just an objection tool (and some of you may be
in favor of the bypass!).


So - sometime in the next few weeks I'll get in touch again with more
details of needs, locations , times etc.  So, in the meantime, please
think about whether you'd like to be involved.  The area we are talking
about is the Arun valley and the Binstead Woods complex - an interesting
area independently of any roads arguments.


Some volunteers are already on the case, but the more the merrier!


All the best




Dr A Whitbread.  Chief Executive

Direct line: 01273 497550

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