Hello Adastrans, 


We still have spaces for the Bumblebee Safari this Saturday – with 
international bee expert Professor Dave Goulson (Sussex University). If you 
would like to come along to either the morning or afternoon session please book 
on our website.


All best wishes, Penny




Don't worry...Bee happy!



The extensive swards of flowers and forests of willow that have colonised some 
areas of the Wildland provide great spring forage for bees. Our bee safari, led 
by one of the world’s leading bee experts, Dave Goulson, will entrance you with 
the dazzling variety of many of the UK’s 26 species of indigenous bumblebees.

Learn about the mysterious and ingenious life-cycles of these remarkable 
pollinators and the vital role they play in our ecology and food production. 

We have two half day safaris on Saturday 13th June, one at 10.00am-1.00pm, and 
the other at 2.00pm-5.00pm. Half-way through your safari we’ll stop for coffee, 
tea and our famous organic homemade cake.

You can book via our website <https://www.kneppsafaris.co.uk/Safaris/Bees>  - 
we hope to see you there!

For camping, safari and course bookings please visit our website 
<http://www.kneppsafaris.co.uk/>  or give us a call on 01403 713230 or 07872 




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