

Barn owl at St Laurence Church Falmer….  


Any use?


Photography:  <http://www.paulcecil.com/> www.permuted.org.uk/photography/ 

Blog:  <http://www.permuted.org.uk/photography/blog/> 

Twitter: @permuted 


From: Adastra [mailto:adastra-boun...@lists.sxbrc.org.uk] On Behalf Of D BANGS
Sent: 27 April 2016 17:28
To: adastra@lists.sxbrc.org.uk
Subject: [Adastra] some pics I need for a book


Dear friends,

I'm in the edit stage of a book I'm doing on the middle Weald ('The Land of the 
Brighton Line') and my pictures are still incomplete.

Does anyone have nice pics of the following that they would be happy for me to 
use? (I would, of course, fully credit the makers).

Hazelnut Weevil
Tanner Longhorn Beetle (Re-discovered by me in Worth Forest Sept '09)
Black Grouse (I know, I know...its long gone)
Barn Owl
Water Violet
Marsh Gentian

My deadline for corrections to my draft is the end of June,


Dave Bangs

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