Fellow Adastrans, 


Sussex Wildlife Trust's 2017 education course programme is now up online
and open for booking. 


We've put together another varied programme this year. After talking to
the recording community we've also added some new courses to give people
the skills and knowledge to help them get out and record some new groups
in 2017. 


We have our regular courses on raptors, photography, badgers,
nightingales, bats, the planning process, hazel dormice, wildflower
meadows, nightjars, moths, dragonflies and damselflies, grasses, sedges
and rushes, wild flowers, glow-worms, butterflies, bumblebees, owls,
harvest mice, fungi and bryophytes


...and new for 2017:


Slugs (February 12) 

After his talk at 'Adastra' 2017 Chris de Feu will stick around to help
us identify these under-recorded and under-loved molluscs.  

Hoverflies (March 25/26)

Roger Morris and Stuart Ball, authors of 'Britain's Hoverflies: A Field
Guide' will be leading a two day introduction to these fascinating

Woodland Ecology and Management (April 28) 

Learn about the history, ecology and species of an ancient woodland and
how to manage this habitat for wildlife with Petra Billings. 

Micro-moths (May 6)

A lot of people asked for it - so Martin Harvey is coming to Sussex to
lead moth-ers from the macros into the micros.

Natural Navigation (May 7)

Best-selling author Tristan Gooley teaches you to guide yourself by
reading nature's signposts. 

Warblers (May 12)

Mike Russell focuses on identifying our British warblers through sight
and sound. 

How to Help Bees and Other Pollinators (May 19)

Learn about the importance of insect pollination and how to improve
gardens and wild areas for them with Laurie Jackson of Buglife. 

Wild Ways (June 10th)

A day in the woods exploring transformative ways of connecting with the
natural world using insights from contemporary psychology and

Wildlife of Chalk Downland (June 30)

Indoor and outdoor sessions focusing on our county's species-rich chalk
grassland habitats with Petra Billings. 

Invertebrates of a Heathland (August 18)

Graeme Lyons teaches identification and survey techniques at Iping
Common- one of England's finest heathland sites.  

Learn to Navigate (September 9th)

A one-day course aimed at those with little or no experience of using a
map and compass

Wyrd Ways (September 23rd)

Alistair Duncan explores our ancestor's connections with the natural


Almost all of our courses sold out in 2016 - so get in quick to secure
your place. 


Full details of all these courses and booking is available at:




Full list of SWT Adult Education Courses 2017


Feb 12                                   Identifying British Slugs

March 25 /26                      An Introduction to Hoverflies - Just 5
places left!

April 7                                   An introduction to the Small
Mammals of Sussex

April 7                                   A Beginners Guide to Raptors

April 8 & 9                            Beginning Nature Photography

April 23/24/26                    An Evening with Badgers

April 28                                 Ecology and Management of

May 3, 7, 8, 10, 14, 15, 21              Badgers

May 6                                    An Introduction to Micro-moths

May 7                                    Natural Navigation

May 11                                 An evening with Nightingales

May 12                                 An introduction to warblers -
Almost sold out!

May 19                                 How to help bees and other

May 19                                 An evening with bats

May 20                                 Introduction to the Wild Flowers
of Sussex (Meadow & Woodland)

May 23                                 Wildlife and the Planning Process

May 26                                 Ecology of the Hazel Dormouse

June 7                                   Wild Flower Meadows - Creation,
Management  and Enjoyment

June 10th                              Wild Ways

June 15                                 An Evening with Nightjars

June 23                                 An Introduction to Moths and
Moth Trapping

June 24                                 An Introduction to Dragonflies
and Damselflies

June 30                                 Wildlife of Chalk Downland

June 30 & July 1                Identification of Grasses, Sedges and

July 7                                     Natural Navigation - Reading
Nature's Signposts

July 7                                     An Evening with Glow-worms

July 8                                     Summer Butterflies of Sussex

July 8                                     Identification & Natural
History of Bumblebees

July 8                                     Introduction to the Wild
Flowers of Sussex (Downland & Coastal)

July 22 & 23                         Beginning Nature Photography

August 18                            Invertebrates of a Heathland

September 16  & 17        Beginning Nature Photography

September 22                   Ecology of the Hazel Dormouse

September 23rd                Wyrd Ways

September 24 / 27           The Owls of Sussex - 24th already sold out!

September 29                   Harvest Mouse Ecology and Survey

November 2                       An Introduction to Fungi

February 16 (2018)          Common Woodland Bryophytes




Michael Blencowe

People & Wildlife Officer 

Sussex Wildlife Trust



Please visit our website http://sussexwildlifetrust.org.uk 


Sussex Wildlife Trust is a company limited by guarantee under the Companies 
Act.  Registered in England, Company No. 698851.   Registered Charity No. 
207005.  VAT Registration No. 191 305969.   Registered Office: Woods Mill, 
Henfield, West Sussex BN5 9SD.  Telephone 01273 492630

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