Here's a footnote on Henri's 2nd piece. 
It's not worth going over in detail what happened at the meeting of the parish 
council/SWT/myself on the common. Henri was not present. 
What is worth repeating, though, is that the Wildlife Trust did not defend my 
presence at the meeting, though it was a joint initiative between us, and 
though the chair of the parish council had himself earlier invited me by email.
Everyone knows the slogan of the labour movement and the Three 
Musketeers..."All for one and one for all...united we stand divided we fall".
It wouldn't fit as a motto for the Wildlife Trust(s)...
Dave Bangs
----Original message----
>From :
Date : 31/05/2017 - 11:47 (GMTST)
To :
Subject : [Adastra] Henfield Common
Dear Adastrans,
I appreciate that Adastra is a forum that focusses on biological recording chat 
and from time to time veers into other conservation related topics.
In light of this I will keep this brief. 
My email to Dave
(copied into his previous post) was not an ‘SWT position’, simply an informal 
email from me to Dave, to update him on the outcome of a meeting.  An SWT 
position statement is naturally a far more formal piece of text
with more context and justifications.
The word ‘positive’ was used in reflection of the start of the meeting, which 
involved heated discussion between Dave and the Parish Council as he described 
in a previous email.  The fact that we could have
 some constructive discussion after that, I take as positive.
The unfortunate situation with Henfield PC needed some realism and pragmatism 
as they were legally able to get on with the work without making any changes to 
their proposed plans.  They had been aggravated by
 the previous press work and more press work (either national or local) could 
have closed the door for dialogue entirely.  It is fair to say that SWT and 
Dave have a difference in opinion on this topic.
SWT can’t be everywhere all the time and it is fantastic when local naturalists 
and communities can inform us of issues like this and we respond when we are 
able.  We may not always agree on what the approach
 is, but as we are all essentially wanting to do what is right for the wildlife 
of Sussex it is great when we can strengthen each other and work together.
Strategy Lead – Conservation Policy
Sussex Wildlife Trust
Sussex Wildlife Trust is a 
company limited by guarantee under the Companies Act. Registered in England, 
Company No. 698851. Registered Charity No. 207005. VAT Registration No. 191 
305969. Registered Office: Woods Mill, Henfield, West Sussex BN5 9SD. Telephone 
01273 492630

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