See email trail below.

Daniel is right to emphasise what a disaster sale of Park Wood is. 162 acre 
Batts Wood in Wadhurst is also subject to statutory public access but is in 
private ownership. The last time I went there in 2011 the interpretation board 
was rotting and almost hidden by encroaching vegetation and the management was 
nowhere near the level public conservation organisations can reach. No-one 
would know it's open to the public.

That is not to argue that Park Wood should be bought by the WT or SWT or any 
other public body. We need a solid public conservation sector boycott of all 
such privatisations to demonstrate public opposition and to avoid providing 
cover for these privatisations by cherry picking public property. 

No public conservation charity should be seen to be bailing out the Environment 
Agency or any other state department or agency.

In 1980-82 the Crown Estate sold the 4000a Poynings Estate (which had never 
been sold since the Norman Conquest) including farms from Fulking to Poynings 
(around the Devils Dyke) and Pyecombe. This estate (with down pasture, ancient 
woodland and high quality chalk streams) could have become the centrepiece of 
the new National Park if conservationists had mounted a vigorous public 
campaign at the time...

Whatever we may think of the UK military we would, I think, oppose the disposal 
of huge MOD lands such as Salisbury Plain and call for them to be managed by 
the state in the interests of nature conservation, sustainable food production, 
and public enjoyment.

It would misdirect and empty the coffers of the voluntary sector to collude in 
such disposals. Their energies should go into opposing such antisocial politics,

Dave Bangs

----Original message----
>From :
Date : 28/06/2017 - 11:25 (GMTST)
To :,,,
Cc :,,,,,,
Subject : RE: Park wood Crowborough Town Council enquiry

HI Iain

Thanks for your prompt response and helpful clarifications.

I suppose that the reality is that financial pressures across government mean 
that no other department would have been in a position to take on the woodland 
now that it is sadly surplus to EA requirements.  I also accept that the EA has 
a duty to ensure that market value is obtained.  It is however possible to 
alert such organisations in advance to see if they are interested and able to 
prepare and submit a bid when it gets placed on the market. Otherwise a cash 
rich developer can purchase the wood very quickly and the charitable sector is 
left behind. Unless of course the sale is able to stipulate that bids from the 
charitable sector are preferred?  Apologies, I am not aware of the rules in 
this regard and do not wish to waste your time. 

I agree that private ownership can be beneficial but it is a fact that 
developers are speculatively buying the vast majority of woodlands that are 
coming onto the market. The location of this woodland near Hailsham places the 
risk of this happening as very high. I realise however that this is not 
something that the EA are expected to take into consideration when disposing of 

I am grateful for your time Iain. I know this woodland and can only hope that 
the charitable sector has sufficient resources.   

Best regards

Daniel Colborne
Crowborough Town Council

-----Original Message-----
From: Skinner, Iain P [] 
Sent: 28 June 2017 10:46
To: Daniel; Godber, James; Block, Damon;
Cc: Bennett, Ian; Alliston, Phillip; Rhiannon Rosser; Barry Kemp; Kate Ryland; 
Blencowe, Michael
Subject: Park wood Crowborough Town Council enquiry

Dear Daniel,

We can assure you that the Woodland Trust & Sussex Wildlife Trust have been 
offered the opportunity to bid.

We would like to make it clear that Park Wood, near Hellingly, is not part of 
the public forest estate and never has been. It was acquired for purely 
operational purposes.  As part of the disposal process the woodland was 
initially offered to all government departments, including Forest Enterprise 
and no formal offers were made.

As you rightly say, East Sussex County Council used to manage the public access 
issues in the woodland on behalf of the EA.  However, that agreement ended in 
2011.  The EA is not structured to manage public access woodland.  The 
organisation must ensure that its resources are targeted at its core business 
of managing waterways, flood prevention and protecting the wider environment.  
Equally, it is important when government assets become surplus they are sold at 
a market value.  This ensures that the maximum income is derived, so that the 
money may be spent by the government on those issues prioritised for the 

The EA has created extensive areas of new wetland habitat in the past, much of 
which is in Sussex.  It also works with Sussex Wildlife Trust and other 
partners to ensure that areas like Rye Harbour are managed well for wildlife 
and people, as well as fulfilling its flood defence role.

You have expressed your fears of private ownership, but there are many 
excellent and committed, private woodland owners who actively manage their 
woods.  They create good woodland habitat and put timber into the markets.  As 
I have stated in the previous email, the statutory and voluntary designations 
that are placed upon this wood will guide any future owner in the direction of 
management and provide the relevant statutory bodies with the mechanisms to aid 
management if required.  If the charitable sector believe that this woodland is 
important then they are welcome to fund raise and submit a bid.

I trust I have now answered all of your queries.

Yours sincerely

Iain Skinner BSc(Hons) MRICS
Estates Surveyor
Environment Agency | Guildbourne House, Chatsworth Road, WORTHING, BN11 1LD
External: 0208 474 9564 | Mobile: 07500 760 927 I Internal: 49564

Working days: Monday to Wednesday
National duty communications officer (24/7) | 0800 023 2522 National duty 
communications manager | 0800 028 2411

-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel []
Sent: 28 June 2017 10:21
To: Skinner, Iain P <>; Godber, James 
<>; Block, Damon 
Cc: Bennett, Ian <>; Alliston, Phillip 
<>; Rhiannon Rosser 
<>; Barry Kemp <>; Kate 
Ryland <>; Blencowe, Michael 
Subject: RE: Park wood.

Hi Iain,

Thanks for your email. Yes I saw that the public access is being protected as 
part of the sale. Of course the public access is not really  the most important 
factor here. The loss of such an important site into private ownership is still 
potentially catastrophic from a wildlife biodiversity perspective. The site has 
been successfully and carefully managed by ESCC rangers (and I assume 
volunteers)  in order to ensure that it provides maximum benefit for wildlife 
and people alike. As such it is a nature reserve in all but name and  to lose 
it to a private owner is quite simply an ecological disaster. 

Many woodland are now falling into the hands of potential developers given that 
wildlife protective measures are likely to be weakened in this country  going 
forwards. Even if it does not fall to a developer, very few private woodland 
owners are interested in maintaining or maximising wildlife value.

I had thought that the government had rolled back on its controversial and 
unpopular plans to sell our publicly owned woodland. Can you tell me what has 
changed please? Also, given the sensitivity of this I wonder why the SWT and 
Woodland Trust were not approached before putting this asset on the open 
market? To not do so suggests that the EA are only interested in maximising 

This is I am afraid a potential PR disaster for the EA and there will I am sure 
be significant public resistance going forward. 

Best regards

Daniel Colborne
Crowborough Town Council

-----Original Message-----
From: Skinner, Iain P []
Sent: 27 June 2017 16:16
To: Godber, James; Block, Damon;; Daniel
Cc: Bennett, Ian; Alliston, Phillip; Rhiannon Rosser
Subject: RE: Park wood.

Thank you Daniel.

I can confirm that the woodland is for sale and that both SWT & WT have been 
informed directly.

You will note that the EA is in the process of protecting the public access 
through using S16 of the CROW Act and that the woodland is designated SNCI and 
ASNW.  I hope that this is helpful.

Kind regards

Iain Skinner BSc(Hons) MRICS
Estates Surveyor
Environment Agency | Guildbourne House, Chatsworth Road, WORTHING, BN11 1LD
External: 0208 474 9564 | Mobile: 07500 760 927 I Internal: 49564

Working days: Monday to Wednesday
National duty communications officer (24/7) | 0800 023 2522 National duty 
communications manager | 0800 028 2411

-----Original Message-----
From: Godber, James
Sent: 27 June 2017 16:10
To: Block, Damon <>
Cc: Bennett, Ian <>; Skinner, Iain P 
Subject: RE: Park wood.

Sorry wrong Ian - Iain Skinner is the correct one

-----Original Message-----
From: Godber, James
Sent: 27 June 2017 16:09
To: Block, Damon <>
Cc: Bennett, Ian <>
Subject: RE: Park wood.

Thanks Damon for the heads up.

Yes, the rumours are true. My colleague Ian (cc'd in) is dealing with the sale 
via our agents.

-----Original Message-----
From: Block, Damon
Sent: 27 June 2017 15:48
To: Godber, James <>
Subject: FW: Park wood.

Hi James,

Hope all is well and apologies for troubling you with this if not relevant. I 
heard a rumour that we were selling our site at Park Wood and wanted you to 
know that it has generated some interest in the Ecological fraternity (see 
below, message 2)

Just wanted you to be aware.



Damon Block
Fisheries and Biodiversity, South Downs
Solent And South Downs, Environment Agency South East Guildbourne House, 
02030257057 (57057)

Help stop the spread of invasive non-native species: Check-Clean-Dry and Be 
Plant Wise


-----Original Message-----
From: Adastra [] On Behalf Of
Sent: 27 June 2017 15:39
Subject: Adastra Digest, Vol 130, Issue 7

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Today's Topics:

   1. Save the date | Sussex Biological Recorders' Seminar,
      Saturday 17 February 2018 (Blencowe, Clare)
   2. Re: Park Wood Hellingly for sale! (Daniel)


Message: 1
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2017 11:15:38 +0000
From: "Blencowe, Clare" <>
To: "" <>
Subject: [Adastra] Save the date | Sussex Biological Recorders'
        Seminar, Saturday 17 February 2018
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Dear Adastrans,

The 29th Sussex Biological Recorders' Seminar will be held on Saturday 17 
February 2018.

We have booked Oathall Community College again, just outside Haywards Heath. I 
promise we'll get a quicker system for the teas & coffees this time.

We'll let you know when booking opens, in the Autumn.

Best wishes,


Clare Blencowe
BRC Manager
Sussex Biodiversity Record Centre<> | 01273 497521


Sussex Wildlife Trust is a company limited by guarantee under the Companies 
Act. Registered in England, Company No. 698851. Registered Charity No. 207005. 
VAT Registration No. 191 305969. Registered Office: Woods Mill, Henfield, West 
Sussex BN5 9SD. Telephone 01273 492630
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Message: 2
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2017 14:37:33 +0000
From: Daniel <>
To: Adastra discussion group <>
Subject: Re: [Adastra] Park Wood Hellingly for sale!
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="windows-1255"


Do we know if SWT and or the Woodland Trust have been notified? It would be 
terrible to lose more woodland into unknown private ownership!

Crowborough Town Council

From: Adastra [] On Behalf Of Jo 
Sent: 25 June 2017 13:44
To: Adastra discussion group
Subject: Re: [Adastra] Park Wood Hellingly for sale!

Hi Dave et al,

Just to let you know that ESCC had management responsibility for Park Wood 
until 2011.   In April 2011, the management was then handed back to its 
owners-the Environment Agency.


Jo Heading

Senior Ranger, ESCC
From: D BANGS<>
Sent: ?23/?06/?2017 22:33
To: Adastra discussion group<>
Subject: [Adastra] Park Wood Hellingly for sale!

I've just been alerted to this proposed sale of Park Wood, Hellingly:
It is managed by East Sussex County Council, which will also be trying to shed 
its load of public high nature value land shortly too (see Cabinet agenda for 
27th June),

Dave Bangs

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