Dear Adastrans,

To follow on from Lois's Adastra 2018 seminar invite you may be interested in 
two upcoming identification courses being run by Sussex Wildlife Trust  in 
early 2018 at Woods Mill.

In February Adastra speaker Graeme Lyons will be running his Common Woodland 
Bryophytes course (Friday 16th February - the day before Adastra).

Join Graeme for the day to learn all about mosses and liverworts both in the 
field and in the classroom. Book online now at:

I for one am looking forward to Erica McAlister's talk on 'The Secret Life of 
Flies' which will no doubt enthuse plenty of people to learn more about the 
weird and wonderful world of hoverflies, houseflies, fruit flies, soldierflies, 
bee-flies, craneflies and more.

In anticipation of droves of potential dipterans thirsty for more fly-facts 
we'll be running An Introduction to Flies on Saturday March 3rd.

The course will be run by entomologist and educator Martin Harvey.  Book online 

Sussex Wildlife Trust will be running a further 58 identification courses in 

I'll email you with the full list when booking for these courses is open in 

Until then, wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a wild New Year.


Michael Blencowe
People & Wildlife Officer
Sussex Wildlife Trust



Sussex Wildlife Trust is a company limited by guarantee under the Companies 
Act. Registered in England, Company No. 698851. Registered Charity No. 207005. 
VAT Registration No. 191 305969. Registered Office: Woods Mill, Henfield, West 
Sussex BN5 9SD. Telephone 01273 492630

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