Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium

New issue 331 by Problem with opendir / fstatfs in Firefox on Mac OSX

I briefly talked to kcc about this issue and he suggested to file a bug, even if the bug might be in our code. I'm trying to run Firefox with ASan on Mac OSX now and I'm hitting this bug constantly on startup:

There are multiple things that could be going wrong, like us bypassing an interceptor (we've had that before for certain calls to free), a missing interceptor, or just a regular bug that can't be seen from the stack. The bug is certainly OSX only, we haven't hit such a problem on Linux before.

Since this is a blocker for us, I'm happy for any debugging suggestions or patches to try :)

kcc also mentioned: " The report looks broken. First, the stack is short -- for some reason we failed to unwind it fully. Second, it sounds weird -- why would opendir touch so many local variables. Does this code perform any kind of stack unwinding (similar to throwing exception or longjmp)? "

I am not aware that we have any form of custom unwinding involved here, but I could be wrong :)

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