Hey Joey,

I just realised that I had submitted patches for panelradio and panelChoice which had dependencies on other issues being commited. I cancelled those patches after I read Jeanne's and your e-mails.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Joseph Rozier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <adffaces-dev@incubator.apache.org>
Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2006 6:52 PM
Subject: Re: Pending PDA Patches

On 9/21/06, Jeanne Waldman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Joey,
I haven't had time to respond.
I don't know what the dependency method should be.
Your suggestion:
 Is it acceptable to locally apply the earlier patch that has not yet
been committed and, in effect, include that patch in a new patch?

I think this is acceptable, because I don't think this new patch would get
reviewed until the first patch that it depends on gets checked in.
So then when we review the second patch, the differences won't be the
differences of both patches, just the second patch.

Okay, that's the approach Piyush has been using, and documenting in
the patch what other patches it is including.

It could be an issue if the earlier patch is rejected or modified in
some way, so we are trying to limit the dependencies to relatively
independent patches.  (Though that sounds oxymoronic, I suppose.)

Take care,


- Jeanne

Joseph Rozier wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm resending this since there was no response to the first one...
> I'd particularly appreciate a response to what the desired way to
> handle patch dependencies is, when one patch is dependent on another
> patch that has not yet been committed.  (The review/committing of the
> outstanding PDA patches would be appreciated as well. :))
> Thanks,
> Joey
> On 9/13/06, Joseph Rozier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> The following two JIRAs have patches waiting to be reviewed/committed.
>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ADFFACES-167
>> Add 'autoSubmit' support for basic input components on PDAs
>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ADFFACES-110
>> Add Agent for BlackBerry Browser 4.0
>> (this has a fix to the original patch)
>> Would it be possible to get these two patches committed?
>> We have fixes for two other JIRAs (ADFFACES-172 and -173) ready to go,
>> but they have dependencies on these patches.
>> Also, for the future, what is the protocol for submitting patches that
>> have dependencies on earlier patches that have not yet been committed.
>>  Is it acceptable to locally apply the earlier patch that has not yet
>> been committed and, in effect, include that patch in a new patch?
>> I can see how that would make patch reviewing a headache, but we're
>> running into the issue where a lot of the PDA patches have dependences
>> on earlier patches and it typically takes several days to get even
>> minor changes reviewed and committed.
>> Thanks,
>> Joey

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