Yeah, I think I saw that. Now that myFaces is starting to get a number of very elaborate sub-projects, there is no real reason that we should have to keep re-inventing the wheel. Yet I can certainly respect wanting to keep the API package strictly JSF.

Martin Marinschek wrote:
Hi Scott,

we've had re-occuring discussions about a new commons-module. This
would probably be good candidate for this. Additionally, I've still
got to review a commit for a module by Shinsuke Sugaya, which is about
portlet compatibility - maybe it would be good to put it there.



On 10/11/06, Scott O'Bryan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Is there a place where we could store public API's that are not part of
Faces in MyFaces?  Would this be the shared-impl package?  We'll likely
need to support an interface to handle some of our "filter"
functionality from a portlet.  This interface would need be referenced
by the MyFaces Bridge Portlet (in impl) and Trinidad Impl...


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