no I meant :


It works for all the PDA browsers I currently plan to support namely: Pocket IE, IE Mobile and BlackBerry.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Gabrielle Crawford" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, October 27, 2006 5:37 PM
Subject: Re: goButton on a PDA

Do you mean something like this:

<a href="";><input type="button" value="hi"></input></a>

My recollection is that putting a link around a button didn't work in some pda's. I think since the time that was written the pda's have come a long way. If it works I say go for it.



Piyush Hari wrote:


At present the following logic in GoButtonRenderer renders a goButton as a LINK (html 'a' tag) on PDAs because they don't support button tag :

String element = useButtonTag ? "button" : "a";

I wonder why a link is renderered when browsers that don't support 'button' tag *CAN* support 'input' tag of type 'Button'.

Shall I change this to input type ?


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