Oh yeah, and I'm moving wrapping of servlet objects out of the filters and into the ExternalContext. That does not mean we can't wrap them in filters as well, but everytime we do, those filters will not run in a portal.


Scott O'Bryan wrote:
Two questions then:

1) Being that these won't work in a portal environment, should we move these to be executed elsewhere (like my custom lifecycle object) and change the API to be more container agnostic (ie. using the ExternalContext)?

2) If we do need to leave these in the filters, is it okay to move all the other initialization logic (like setting up the skinning and whatnot) to execute after these services or does it need to continue to execute in the same order?


Adam Winer wrote:
On 11/3/06, Scott O'Bryan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hello everyone,

I'm almost done implementing a custom wrapper for the life cycle which
should allow us to replace a large part of the functionality of our
filter (the other part being handled by FacesContext wrappers).  I did
have one question regarding "services" which are referred to in the
TrinidadFilterImpl object.  It appears, basically, that the
TrinidadFilterImpl is responsible for kicking off a number of services.
These "services" use a FilterChains to execute and, as such, are not
compatible with a portal environment.  Can anyone tell me what these
"services" might be used for and what guarantees, if any, we make as to
when they are executed?

They can be used for anything that a Filter can be used for.  I've used
them for initialization;  also, for wrapping of servlet objects.

-- Adam

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