Hey Guys,

All arguments about the need for a "common" code package aside (yes, I will continue to champion this), Trinidad has the need to create container abstractions for some of our initialization services. We're basically going to use the external context to pass into these services because it's a familiar interface. The reason this needs to be done outside of the Faces arena is that these services MAY be kicked off from a filter if one is present because there were some usecases we just couldn't resolve in order to eliminate the need for the filter in order to work in the portal. Many of the usecases, however, can be written in a container-agnostic fashion and run from the portal.

So here is my question. Is it bad for to copy come of the MyFaces code (namely the ExternalContext code) and move it into our packages, changing it as we need to. We cannot be dependent on the MyFaces Impl package (which is where this code currently exists) in order to maintain compatibility with the RI. Seems silly to rewrite these containers though.

I figured I'd ask since both MyFaces and Trinidad are under the Apache Liscence. And yes, when/if we get a common package, we may be able to share this code but I'm on somewhat of a time limit.


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