I use eclipse with the four projects and it works just fine. I do have a suggestion though:

1. Turn off automatic compile - eclipse has trouble removing the target directories sometimes because the targets are referred to in the project as source. Comes from the automatic generation of the tags. 2. Be sure to do an mvn install before importing the projects. I suggest doing a "mvn clean install eclipse:eclipse" the first time. This is because some of the files in the Trinidad build are generated and without running the maven task, you don't get these generated files. 3. Either clean and build all the projects, or build them one at a time in the following order: build, api. impl, demo

They only real annoying thing is that the demo project shows up as a normal java project rather then a Web Project, so hopefully the mvn eclipse plugin will be enhanced soon to support Calisto.

Finally, I havn't used the mvn plugin for eclipse, so I can't speak to that but I hope this helps.


Adam Winer wrote:
And I use Emacs and a command-line, which I imagine makes
me very "old-school". ;)

-- Adam

On 12/14/06, Matt Cooper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Danny,

The most common ones I've heard of are either Eclipse or Oracle JDeveloper. I use the latter and create workspace/project files by running the command "mvn install jdev:jdev". I believe the expected generated workspace should have 4 projects (api, build, demo, impl) with pre-attached dependencies so you just need to run a jspx page from the demo project and automatically it will build any changes you make in the other projects. Perhaps someone else
on this list can better talk to the Eclipse issues you are experiencing.


On 12/14/06, Danny Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Guys,
> Are most people using Eclipse to develop the Trinidad components/code? If
> not, then what do people mainly use?
> I followed the wiki page that details the Eclipse setup for Trinidad and
> got
> a clean compile. However, I'm not certain everything's as it should be,
> and
> I certainly can't use the maven eclipse plugin to do a clean 'install'.
> Using a different approach, 'mvn eclipse:eclipse' command created 4
> projects
> rather than the 2 mentioned in the wiki. However, these wouldn't cleanup
> compile due to dependencies.
> Thanks,
> Danny
> --
> Chordiant Software Inc.
> www.chordiant.com

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