Further investigation:

PortletExternalContext can be removed. There is a possibility that it will need to be added again for JSR-301 but that depends on interfaces which aren't defined yet so I'm cool on getting rid of it till we need it.

The ServletExternalContext is used in the ResourceServlet (which is in the API package) and the TrinidadFilterImpl (which is in the Impl package). Should I do some research on how to move this to the Impl package and still allow it to be called from ResourceServlet? I know we're still discussing the need to use a custom FacesContext, but if it turns out we should keep it, we're going to need to do something for the ExternalContext.

One more point about the TrinidadFacesContext. It replaces the PseudoFacesContext that is already in Trinidad. The PseudoFacesContext didn't implement the base FacesContext stuff, but most of the external context was already handled in that class. The TrinidadFacesContext is an enhanced version of the PseudoFacesContext only it's not as hokey because it's a full impl instead of a partial impl AND it can be used from the resources.

Finally, I looked and there is no reason that ExternalContextUtils cannot be put into the impl package. It's mostly used for setup of the RequestContext and some other logic which happens outside of the Faces scope. So good call.


Scott O'Bryan wrote:

All of the classes in webapp/wrappers and context/external:
- Why aren't these in impl?
- I don't understand at all why we could or should be implementing
  ServletExternalContext...  that's provided by the impl.  And
  PortletExternalContext should be provided by the bridge,
  or the impl as well if it supports portlets.  What am I missing?
  I suspect these come from adding TrinidadFacesContext, so...
These are valid questions and I went back and forth on this myself. The main issue is that the Configurators rely on someone being able to override the ExternalContext. And while a decorator may be sufficient for the overriding part, it's kind of silly (in my opinion) to force everyone to re-implement the pieces of the external context (such as, say, the RequestParameterMap) which is why those are public. As for the ServletExternalContext and the PortletExternalContext, if you look at the API for configurators again, they require us to supply an external context. In order to maintain compatibility with the servlet usecases that previous versions of Trinidad supported, we essentially need to construct a valid ExternalContext within the filter (Sevlet or future Portlet) and supply it to the configurators. It's better to provide implementations of these rather then rely on having to make them yourself.

Now that being said, I moved the external context classes over to public as a while. While I believe we need the decorators and some of the map objects public, we can probably move the full ExternalContext implementations in impl (or in the case of the Portal one which was provided for completeness, remove it since I don't think it's used anywhere currently (I'll check).
- TrinidadFacesContext:  why can't you just use the regular
  FacesContextFactory, as we're doing today?  Almost any
  solution is better than duplicating large amounts of impl code.
This is a very good question and one that I thought a lot about. First off, this class is used within the resource servlets. Faces itself is designed with the idea of allowing renderkits to extend the framework as they need to. In theory (and I know the reality is somewhat different), but someone could add two renderkits to a particular web-app and use them. The problem is that the FacesContextFactory takes all of these entensions into account when returning the context. From a renderkit perspective, this is good because you hopefully have any functionality that your renderkit provides, somewhere in the Chain of FacesContexts. The problem, however, is that our Resource servlets belong to Trinidad only. This means that there is no reason for us to have to go through all the external-context wrapping that other renderkits might tack on through their own custom factories. This adds bloat when there really doesn't need to be.

From a Portal perspectivethis is even more important. Trinidad, up until this project, has been able to limit exposure to the "wrapping" problem by relying on the fact that the filters are run only before and after a call to the "faces servlet" essentially. Being that there is no equivalent in the Portal environment, modifications have had to be made to allow Configurators to be run through a custom FacesContextFactory. This means that even within our own renderkit, things like skinning, file upload handling, and RequestContext initialization (as well as the running of additional services) all happen when these external resources retrieve the FacesContext from the factory. As far as I'm aware, there is no sure-fire way in Faces to say, "give me a FacesContext, but ignore all other FacesContext wrappers from everyone else". If there was a way to get the "default" FacesContext then I would agree with you.

-  To what extent does this really need to be in API?
-  In particular, I'd rather not expose any of the methods
 that are getting added to ExternalContext in 1.2:
   - getRequestCharacterEncoding()
   - getRequestContentType()
 ... but in general, I'd rather not expose anything here
 as a public API unless absolutely necessary.
LOL Yeah, let me check what the exposure is. When I wrote the utility, I was using it from something inside of the API package, but I think that this can be solved by using RequestContext. Everything else that needs to use this should be inside impl. I'll take a look at why it's still public and get back to you.
- A Coding surprise:  you may not call
  request.getClass().getMethod().  Doesn't work, sadly, because
  the defining class might be package-private.  You have to
  get the API directly from ServletRequest.class, PortletRequest.class,
Good point. Since I'm going to have to so a series of instanceof's however, I may as well just cast them. I was hoping to make this faster rather then bogging the system down with casts. But in light of this I suppose I'll just have to bite the bullet and do it. Thanks for taking a look at this Adam. I look forward to your reply.


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